Chained Bitch Is Freed After Two Years

After two years, Violet learned for the first time what love and care mean. The previously chained dog is now waiting for a new family in an animal shelter in Mexico. 
Chained bitch is released after two years

In current photos you can see Violet with a soft toy or walking in nature. Therefore, you may find it hard to believe that the chained bitch on the cover picture is the same animal.

After two years, Violet learned for the first time what love and care mean. The previously  chained bitch  is now waiting for a new family in an animal shelter in Mexico. 

Violet, the chained bitch

Violet, the chained bitch 

Violet was rescued with 5 other dogs late last year. The animals were chained up outside in a San Miguel County compound.

According to a woman who observed the situation, the dogs were freed by an animal welfare organization (NMDOG). This organization specializes in freeing dogs from chains.

The owner of the animals was in prison,  the animals were chained for a long time and had neither food nor water. It is forbidden to chain dogs in this region, so the animal welfare organization was able to free the suffering animals.

A police officer was present at the rescue operation.

The bitch, chained for so long, was finally able to experience what care and love mean

NMDOG employees report that  Violet was handcuffed for about two years.  The bitch wore a thick chain with a heavy lock around her neck.

The other animals caught were also immediately looked after by a veterinarian. Violet was burned all over from the heat. She also had a lot of larvae on her skin.

But she wasn’t just feeling bad physically, this bitch had never received love in her life. She had to slowly learn to lose fear of people and build trust.

She immediately winced at sudden movements because she was used to being hit  But in the meantime Violet has rehabilitated herself well, because the animal welfare organization takes wonderful care of her.

Violet is waiting to be adopted

Today Violet seems healthy and happy with her new life. Her supervisors at NMDOG hope that she will be adopted by a nice family.

The bitch, who was once chained, now trusts her new keeper, plays with her plush toy and enjoys long walks in the park. However, she must be protected from the sun because she still suffers from the burns from her captivity.

For a life without chains and abuse

once chained bitch is happy now

Angela Stell, director of NMDOG, knows that Violet is out of the abuse and can now enjoy the life every dog ​​wants, with a family that loves and protects the bitch.

This organization has been working since 2011 with the main goal of freeing captured animals, healing them physically and mentally, and finding a home for them. Its headquarters are in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

We hope that many other suffering and chained dogs will also have a new chance of a life in dignity.

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