Can Your Dog Help Out At Home?

Dogs can be trained to do simple chores around the house. Although they are very intelligent animals, it not only takes patience and persistence, but also positive reinforcement
Can your dog help out at home?

Recently, a video that featured a beautiful Labrador cleaning the floor of his house went viral. Even if this seems unusual to us, it is quite possible that a dog can help out at home and take on some household chores.

With the following article, we would like you a little inspiration and show you how well your dog help at home can It’s not that difficult to teach him.

How can a dog help at home?

Dogs are sensitive and intelligent living beings that can learn a variety of tricks, tasks, and sports. This is not a specific race, age, gender or ancestry …

All dogs can learn, regardless of whether they are mixed breeds or purebreds. They just need the love and constancy of their human family.

Unfortunately, many ignore or underestimate the abilities of their four-legged roommates. They do not stimulate them sufficiently, either physically or mentally.

It is important to know that a bored dog can get sick quickly or develop behavior problems.

This dog looks bored out the window

Therefore, today we would like to suggest a few ideas on how your dog can help out at home and do simple tasks.

  1. Turn off the light

Dogs can learn to operate the light switches in the house with their paws. It just takes a little training and dedication for them to learn this task.

With positive reinforcement and a little patience, your furry friend can help you cut your electricity bill a little.

The dog needs to but of course a minimum size to get to the switch. 

  1. Tidy up your own toys

All dogs like to have some toys to either keep themselves occupied or to play with the family.

But the fur nose should not only have fun playing, but also tidy up their belongings. All you have to do is teach your pet to pick up the objects with their mouths and bring them to their place.

You can teach him this activity quite easily. It fits perfectly into the daily routine. In this way you make your work easier and also train your dog to behave positively.

  1. Open and close the door

You can train your dog to go into the garden or yard to do business and then return to the house.

He can do all of this alone, even open and close the door with his own body. Of course, you also have to teach him limits so that he doesn’t abuse his talent to steal away.

Closing the door is certainly easier for him, because he doesn’t necessarily have to learn how the handle works.

Depending on the size of the dog, you can teach him to use his paws or his head to do this. Also, remember to always recognize and reward positive behavior.

  1. Pick up dirty laundry

This activity works like tidying up toys.  This time the dog picks up the dirty laundry and brings it to its place.

Tips for your dog to help out at home

  1. Start with basic education

Actually, this is about dog training. Keep in mind that dogs learn bit by bit and can get frustrated if you suddenly expect too much from them.

Therefore, education should always begin with some basic rules of obedience.

Training a dog is very important

These exercises represent the first level of dog training, regardless of whether it is a house or service dog.

This involves basic commands such as “come here”, “sit”, “sit down”, “calm” or “ stand by ”, which are not particularly complicated.

  1. Persistence in dog training

It takes persistence, discipline and patience to train a dog.  The animal has to learn each command correctly.

It needs your support and persistence. If you don’t have the time or patience, better see a professional dog trainer.

  1. How and when to train a dog

A dog should exercise daily, but of course you shouldn’t overdo it.

If we put too much on the animal, it will be distracted faster and learn more slowly. It is best to take 10 to 20 minutes a day to teach your furry friend basic obedience.

  1. It takes positive reinforcement to stimulate the dog

Positive reinforcement is about rewarding desirable behavior in order to stimulate our dog’s cognitive and emotional abilities.

We should never punish him, because that generally doesn’t help.

The reward should be given to the fur nose immediately so that it can associate the treat with the desired behavior. As soon as the dog has done a task correctly, he gets his reward.

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