Breeds Of Dogs That Run Away From Home Most Often

Like it or not, some dogs just can’t help it: they keep trying to run away from home. But not all races feel this urge the same way. In today’s article, you’ll learn which dog breeds run away more often than others!
Breeds of dogs that are most likely to run away from home

Could you say which breeds of dogs are most likely to run away from home ? Some dogs jump over the backyard fence and others dig holes to sneak off the property. If you can anticipate such behavior, you can prepare for it and protect your pet from dangerous assaults and situations.

Many of the numbers on this topic are based on data from GPS tracking records from specially equipped dog collars. These collars are mostly worn by medium to large dogs. As a result, dogs weighing up to five kilograms are underrepresented because the collar is too big for them.

Why do dogs run away from home?

There can be many explanations or reasons why dogs run away from home . For example, if your dog is afraid of loud noises, it will likely run as far away from the source of the noise as possible. A lack of stimuli, neglect by the owner or prolonged periods of solitude are just a few other potential causes of this behavior. In these cases , the dog will run away to find distraction, affection, and new playmates.

But it could also be that your dog has never learned what things he can and cannot do. In this case, the dog is likely to be a “repeat offender” as he will give in to the urge to run away at every opportunity.

Depending on the breed, a dog is more or less likely to run away from home

Scientific studies of dog behavior use a number of standardized tests to measure behavioral traits. Among other things, the following aspects are recorded:

  • General emotional reactivity
  • Reaction to walking on a leash and the limitations that come with it
  • The dog’s ability to solve problems
  • The ability to exercise, including the impulse to run and flee
  • aggressiveness
  • The tendency to bark

Several studies have shown that there are marked (statistically significant) differences between dog breeds in the manifestation of these traits. So today we want to introduce you to some dog breeds that are more likely to run away from home.

1. The Beagle

This breed was originally used to hunt prey. Therefore, the instinct of a Beagle to follow certain scent trails is also very strong. However, the urge to pursue something often leads them into the distance and therefore Beagles are at the top of the list of dog breeds that run away from home particularly often.

run away - beagle

2. The Siberian Husky is one of the breeds of dogs that run away from home most often

The Siberian Husky is another large breed known around the world for their propensity to run away. These dogs have a very strong natural need to run and run in the wild. If a Siberian Husky is not satisfied with the amount of exercise they get on a daily basis, they will most likely “take matters into their own hands”.

If you are considering adopting a Siberian Husky, you should keep in mind that this beautiful creature takes a lot of risks due to his intense need for movement combined with his digging and climbing skills . In addition, these dogs are very active and need a lot of exercise to lead a happy life.

Some experts classify this breed as an “old breed” because of its obvious genetic proximity to the wolf. Because of its wilder nature, the Siberian husky has a high tendency to chase and run away. In addition, huskies score low on successful training and bond development.

3. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The wayward personality of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier takes strong leadership from its owner and plenty of exercise for this dog to live a happy life. Due to its enormous strength and massive body , this dog can easily climb a six foot fence and overcome it if something on the other side catches its attention. In addition, its long legs are perfect for digging tunnels under fences.

Stafford Terrier

4. The Jack Russell Terrier is also one of the dog breeds that most often run away from home

These little dogs are very mischievous and have been known to cause a lot of problems. The Jack Russell Terrier is a breed that needs constant supervision, or at least enough space to control their unusual energy.

What this breed lacks in size, it makes up for in speed, strength and guts! These dogs need a lot of exercise because of their strong hunting instincts. This instinct causes them to hunt smaller animals, which in turn makes them natural runaways. In addition, three of their terrier cousins ​​are also on the common outlier list: the Yorkshire Terrier, the Boston Terrier, and the Rat Terrier.

run away - Jack Russel Terrier

5. The German Shorthaired Pointer

These dogs need a lot and intense exercise. If their owner can provide them with the mental and physical challenges they crave, they will be happy dogs. However, if the German Shorthaired Pointer does not get enough physical activity, it can become nervous and show destructive behavior. Also, these dogs don’t like being left alone for long periods of time. Boredom drives them to run away from home.

German Shorthaired Pointer at a lake

6. Breeds of dog that run away from home most often: The Miniature Schnauzer

This is a breed of dog that has it all in one compact package: intelligence, affection, extroverted temperament, humor, and a great personality. However, the Miniature Schnauzer also has a tendency to run away. Therefore, you should keep your Miniature Schnauzer on a leash when it is not in a fenced area. If this dog sees something interesting, it will chase it and most likely ignore your calls.

When a Miniature Schnauzer is bored, it makes him very unhappy. Because of his intelligence and energetic nature, he needs various activities and regular exercise. If you want to avoid your dog becoming destructive and moody, make sure you do so.

run away - miniature schnauzer

7. The Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is another breed that is highly likely to run away from home. These dogs are excellent jumpers, and their small size allows them to sneak out of many places.

In addition, once they escape, they are very difficult to capture as they are very quick and agile. Some dog owners mistakenly believe that a Chihuahua needs less exercise, training, and attention because they are small.

However, this is a big mistake! In fact , Chihuahuas love to run and they crave close contact with people. If these needs are not met in their own home, seek them elsewhere.

Chihuahua smiling

Most pet owners will experience a runaway dog ​​incident at some point in their puppy’s life. However, only a few of them become outliers as adults. Taking care of your dog’s vital needs will minimize the chances that your dog will run away from home.

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