Bee Products Are Also Healthy For Dogs!

Bee products are not only healthy for ourselves, but also for dogs, but are not necessary in the daily diet to guarantee the well-being of the fur nose. See your veterinarian for advice.
Bee products are healthy for dogs too!

Bee products  are not only healthy for ourselves, but also for dogs, but are not necessary in the daily diet to guarantee the well-being of the fur nose. However, they can occasionally be given as a supplement if the veterinarian agrees.

Bee products  are often used as ingredients in snacks, shampoos, fabric softeners and other products. They have been used as food, for wound healing, and for the prevention and treatment of colds since ancient times.

Find out today the benefits of bee products for dogs.

Bee products for dogs: honey

Honey has a very nutrient-rich composition, but it also contains a lot of sugar and fructose. Therefore, very little of it should be given to dogs. If the animal has diabetes, it should not be given honey.

Honey is also characterized by vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and antioxidants. Due to its components , honey has different nutritional and therapeutic properties:

1. Antibacterial properties

Hydrogen peroxide, glucose oxidase, flavonoids and phenolic acids have an antibacterial effect and are natural components of honey. This is one of the reasons honey is used on the skin to treat wounds, blemishes, and burns.

2. Antioxidants

Antioxidants prevent cell oxidation and thus cell aging. In addition, the proteins and amino acids contained serve as the basis for the production of our own proteins.

3. Anti-inflammatory effects

Honey is able to reduce inflammation and pain caused by swelling. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Many human cough suppressants contain honey.

4. Digestive effect

Honey helps metabolize food, promoting digestion and relieving symptoms such as reflux and constipation.

5. Beautiful skin and a healthy coat

Honey gives the pet’s coat moisture, softness, and shine. To take advantage of these properties, many shampoos contain honey extracts in their composition.

Bee products for dogs

Bee products for dogs: propolis

It is another product made by bees, a mixture of balm, essential oils and waxes, rich in phenolic compounds and with honey-like properties. This product is best known for stimulating the immune system.

Propolis is used as a local antibiotic to treat otitis in dogs because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Propolis is said to kill the bacteria while treating the inflammation of the ear at the same time.

Bee products for dogs: royal jelly

Royal jelly is a secretion from the food gland that workers produce to nourish the larvae in the first three larval stages. The larva of the queen bee is fed with it a little longer. Royal jelly has properties similar to honey, but is more concentrated. There are dietary supplements with royal jelly for dogs on the market.

This bee product improves vitality, provides energy and strengthens the immune system, especially in barren seasons such as winter.

Bee products for dogs: pollen

The bee pollen that the bees collect on their legs is used to nourish the larvae of the beehive throughout their development. It is  a very nutritious product made up of proteins, minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids and flavonoids. 

Dog eats

As a result, pollen is a good dietary supplement that is becoming increasingly popular with pet owners, as are salmon oil, flaxseed oil, seaweed, echinacea, and others. It’s best to ask your veterinarian to find out if these bee products are beneficial for your fur. 

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