Aggressive Behavior In Dogs – What Can You Do?

Everyone loves cute puppies, but what happens when the little one grows and shows aggressive behavior? In this article we report more on the topic and give some explanations and tips.
Aggressive behavior in dogs - what can you do?

When we get a puppy as a present, we instantly fall in love with the cute thing and invite it into our lives. At this moment a long friendship begins that will last for many years. But when the little one starts to grow and attacks other dogs or even children and adults, then we have a problem. What does his  aggressive behavior mean?

If a house dog shows aggressive behavior  , your family will let you know, the neighbors look at you funny, and you will hear more complaints. But actually it doesn’t matter what the others say. There’s never a reason to throw your trusty furry friend on the street. However, you need to take care of it and get the situation under control.

We have good news for you. There are several techniques you can use in training your dog. This is how you can control his aggressive behavior. It doesn’t matter what breed the dog is.

Observe the situations in which your dog exhibits aggressive behavior

Small dogs can also display aggressive behavior

If your four-legged friend is being aggressive, the first thing to do is determine when their tantrums begin. There are animals that will attack children if they move towards them too quickly. Others just have their arguments with other dogs. There are also fur noses that show aggressive behavior because other species, such as cats, mice or insects, arouse their hunting instinct.

First, you need to identify  what external influences are causing your animal’s mind to simmer. With this information you can take steps to avoid difficult situations that put your dog in a state of tension. Manage your environment!

Early socialization

Sometimes dogs behave aggressively because they grew up socially isolated. Therefore it is very important that you start socializing your puppy between the second and fourth months of life. He should spend time with other dogs as well as people. The better the social relationships, the easier it is for the animal to get used to new situations and maintain its emotional balance.

Playing with other dogs will also help stop the dog from getting bitten. Every time he unconsciously bites a playing partner, he will move away from him. The momentary rejection teaches your dog to control his aggressive behavior. You should blame him for playing too wildly. But don’t forget to reward your furry friend if they treat their fellow dogs well.

Work on deep obedience

A dog that attacks simply reacts without obedience.  Specialists understand that an aggressive dog suffers from psychological problems. They find the origin in the fact that he has no fixed pack leader and clear rules in his life.

That means you have to strive to be an effective leader for your dog. You need to shape his character so that he will behave in a way that you deem appropriate.

A great exercise for this is to coordinate your freedom of movement through the leash.  Train him to run as fast as you do. Take the time to teach him a few tricks. This also strengthens your authority in his eyes.

Teach him to release the bite

As you already know, dogs can understand some verbal commands they receive from their owners. If you train them properly, they’ll listen to commands like “come here”, “sit” or “touch”.

Chew toys are ideal for performing this type of exercise.  Sit down with your dog and play with him for a while. Every time he aggressively bites the toy, you have to tell him to let go. You try to slowly pull the toy out of his mouth. Repeat the phrase “Let go!” during this process.

In time, the fur nose will understand that not everything in life is about biting. If he notices that you don’t like it at all, that he bites everything that comes in front of his snout, he will reduce the bite a little and control his impulses better. This can save you a lot of trouble if he accidentally uses his jaw incorrectly.

Help him burn energy

When dogs burn off their excess energy, they often develop less aggressive behavior

If a dog spends long periods of time in an enclosed space and cannot walk a lot, it is very stressful for him and he can develop aggressive behavior. Too little exercise is one of the most important causes of aggressive behavior. 

Instead of walking your dog out for ten minutes a day, take your time. Socialize him and get him to participate in balanced physical activities. Take him for long walks, play ball with him, and make sure he is tired when he gets home. Exercise and exercise are very important for one’s emotional balance.

Ultimately, you should understand that a dog is the living likeness of its owner or mistress. Beating your dog or raising him without any discipline can have disastrous consequences. Always remember that violence only creates more violence.

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