A Woman Reads To Dogs At The Shelter To Make Them Feel Less Lonely

This kind gesture from an older woman seems to work on the dogs
A woman reads to dogs at the shelter to make them feel less lonely

We know the importance of reading to children to get them excited about reading. But what effect does reading aloud have on animals? Does it make sense to read stories to dogs at the  shelter ?

The will is good, the effect should be positive. Today you can learn more about  Sandy, a woman who reads to animals to do them good. 

Sandy, the woman reading to the dogs at the shelter

Dogs in the shelter

Sandy has always loved animals and for years had her own dog called Angus. Angus supported Sandy day in and day out until he died about two years ago.

As any animal lover knows, this is a major blow. This kind-hearted woman could not forget how much love she had received from Angus and wanted to pass this love on. But how?

The volunteer reading to shelter dogs

There is a dog shelter near Sandy’s home, the Western Pennsylvania Human Society. In this shelter there are dozens of dogs waiting lonely for adoption.

They are waiting to find a family that they will love. Sandy had an idea how to take the loneliness out of the dogs during this long wait: She reads to them.

Sandy visits this shelter every week and reads to the dogs all day long. With a children’s fairy tale and a heart full of love, Sandy becomes a friend of the animals and gives them their “smile” back.

She not only reads to the dogs, but also teaches them commands (to sit, to sit down …) and to give paws to make adoption easier. She also plays with them, caresses them and gives them all her love.

But Sandy herself admits that it is not an easy task. She has to fight against the feelings and thoughts that arise within her and make her think about how there can be people who are able to harm animals.

Sandy knows that she can’t give the dogs a new home and that many wonder what she’s actually doing there. But she is happy to see the joy the dogs bring to her. She does not need more.

The staff at the animal shelter really appreciate Sandy’s work because they watch the animals roll over with joy when they arrive. These animals are extremely grateful and every little gesture means the world to them.

But Sandy’s example doesn’t have to be an isolated case. There are innumerable shelters with animals waiting for someone to give them their love and attention. You are now wondering how you can support an animal shelter too?

How you can help an animal shelter

Dogs in the shelter

We can all follow the example of Sandy, a woman who reads to shelter dogs. These institutions are in constant need of financial support, but they understand that not everyone is capable and are therefore grateful for other initiatives.

Giving animals a little love and hope is a wonderful way to create a better world.

You can also support the animal shelters with donations of food or veterinary treatments, cleaning the facilities or toys for the dogs.

No matter what your help looks like, both the shelter workers and residents will be infinitely grateful!

If you have the opportunity to get involved in any form with an animal shelter, do it, you will not regret it! We guarantee that you will get more in return than you give.

Source reference to cover picture: peru.com

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