Man Rescues 735 Street Dogs

Beagle, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Golden Retriever, Labrador, Dachshund, and Saint Bernard, as well as many other breeds, are friends here. 
Man rescues 735 street dogs

Street dogs are a big problem in many cities, but there are always animal lovers who look after stray animals. Today we introduce you to a man  who has adopted 735 street dogs ! Rakesh  saves  every animal, regardless of size, age or breed. But he’s not the only hero of abandoned animals. 

Rakesh Shukla rescues 735 street dogs

Rakesh Shukla lives on a 1.5 hectare farm near the city of Bangalore in the Indian state of Karnataka. When he saw that more and more stray dogs were roaming around looking for food, he didn’t do anything … He first adopted a 45-day-old Golden Retriever, that was in 2009, but he has now taken in 735 stray dogs !

These 735 street dogs love him unconditionally and will wag their tails with delight when they see their owner. Rakesh caresses her and scratches her behind the ears. Many animals have found a second home on his farm, no matter their breed, age or size.

Beagle, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Golden Retriever, Labrador, Dachshund, and Saint Bernard, as well as many other breeds, are friends here. Most recently, Rakesh adopted 22 pedigree dogs who became homeless when their owner died. 

Rakesh knows that he is these animals’ last hope. Many are sick or old, nobody wants to adopt them. He sees himself as the father of all those “babies” he calls that.

Rakesh’s farm

The farm employs 10 people who are responsible for feeding, bathing, cleaning the beds, collecting the excrement, etc. Rakesh has been the owner since 2012 and receives help from various veterinarians and trainers. Every day the animals consume 200 kg of chicken and 200 kg of rice. A lot of money is also spent on drugs and special treatments.

The man takes care of most of the expenses (around 800 euros per month). He receives the rest from donations. Despite struggling with neighbors and animal rights activists, Rakesh confirms that only death can separate him from his dogs.

But not only does Rakesh save street dogs, there are also many other generous animal lovers:

Five women look after more than 1,000 street dogs

Man saves dog

In China, in Shaanxi Province, a group of 5 elderly women is looking after 1300 dogs! Ha Wenjin founded this shelter in 2009.  She saved several Stra ß enhunde who lived near her home. She later gave up her job to devote herself body and soul to street dogs and cats. She sold her house, car, and jewelry to feed the dogs.

Four elderly women from the neighborhood help her with this task. Every morning they get up at 4 a.m. to feed the dogs and cats. Without the help of these women, these animals would undoubtedly have a difficult life.

Government officials complained to Ha Wenjin about the property on which the shelter is located, and they even threatened to close the shelter. The shelter had to be moved to a remote location. To transport the dogs there, four buses had to be rented! But Shaanxi does not give up, he continues to save many street dogs and is also one of our everyday heroes!

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