6 Tips For Feeding Your Puppy

Puppy feeding is a task that requires a certain degree of concentration and, above all, persistence. You need to be aware of your nutritional needs and also understand that the servings are different from those of an adult dog. That being said, it’s important to teach him routines from an early age!
6 tips for feeding your puppy

If you are about to adopt your new best friend but don’t yet know much about their habits and needs, then we would like to advise you in our article on feeding your puppy. Give him everything he needs!

Tips for feeding your puppy

Nutrition is an important issue at every dog’s age, but especially when the animals are still small, it fulfills a very basic task. The diet of your puppy helps him healthy and strong growth.

That is why we, as reference people, must not take nutrition lightly, but must inform ourselves sufficiently in order to feed the little ones in the best possible way.

If you do not feed a puppy properly from the start, this will affect its growth, health and ultimately also its life expectancy. 

So keep the following advice on how to feed your puppy:

1. Buy special feed

In the pet shop and the vet you can buy food for different age groups. In puppies, the bites are smaller, easier to digest, with lots of protein and vitamins, and they often taste even better so that the little ones get used to them more easily.

2. Seek advice from the vet

On the bags of dog food there are guidelines for portions based on breed and age, because after all, feeding a Chihuahua or a Neapolitan Mastiff is not the same thing.

However, it is best to seek advice from your veterinarian about feeding the appropriate ration for your individual puppy.

One must also consider the puppy’s size and individual needs. English Bulldogs, Rottweilers, and German Shepherds, for example, have very specific nutritional needs.

Find the right ration

3. Pay attention to quality

Also, when it comes to feeding your puppy, it’s really important that you look for quality. The most expensive feeds are not always the best, but the cheapest usually do not offer the highest quality. That is why it is important to pay attention to the composition.

4. Establish a routine for feeding your puppy

You should not only pay attention to what feed you give your little four-legged friend, but also when you give it to him. A dog loves and needs their routines and it is your job to teach them and keep them.

Dogs need clear basic rules that are compatible with the life of their caregiver. As for feeding, make an effort to do it at the same time each day.

So your dog knows when he gets his portion and can therefore enjoy his day calmly and carefree.

For example , you can feed him in the morning after getting up and in the evening after work or before your dinner.

Always give him his food in the same bowl and in the same place in the house. This will support your puppy’s diet and build healthy routines.

Choosing the right bowl for your puppy's diet

5. Don’t share your food with him

Most dog people ignore this advice without understanding the harm it can do to their puppy. This is true even if we think that we are giving the dog something completely harmless.

Don’t let the googly eyes bribe you, not even the whimpering and especially not when he puts his paw on your leg.

The animal must understand and learn that this “food” is for humans, not dogs, and that it must simply wait for its next ration.

Remember that you must always maintain the role of the dominant leader of the pack.

6. Don’t forget about water when feeding your puppy, too

Water plays just as important a role as food. This is a fundamental element for your furry friend all year round. Therefore, it must never be absent.

Change the water in the drinking bowl every day so that there is always fresh water available to him and also pay attention to whether he has drunk it empty and needs more.

Never leave the drinking bowl in the sun and give it more water during the summer.

Finally, we would also like to recommend that you keep the feed in sealable plastic containers at home and pamper your puppy with wet food every now and then. But that’s only possible if he was good!

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