Prevent The Dog From Becoming Too Dependent

Of course, a dog has to be dependent on its owner to a certain extent because it ultimately needs food, water and care. But when the addiction is extreme, it is neither beneficial for the animal nor for the owner.
Prevent the dog from becoming too dependent

After a certain period of living together, many dog ​​owners become aware that the  dependency on  their beloved fur nose is very great, perhaps even too great.

Of course, a dog has to be dependent on its owner to a certain extent because it ultimately needs food, water and care. But when the  addiction is  extreme, it  is neither beneficial for the animal nor for the owner.

What can you do if you are too dependent? We are investigating this question today.

Addiction in dogs

Dogs that are very dependent on their owners want to be around them all the time to feel happy and safe. If that cannot be the case, they will suffer. The dog is not born with this behavior, but develops this dependency over time. This is usually the fault of the owner, but other factors also play an important role.

A dog's dependence on its owner

  • Early withdrawal and separation from the mother,
  • Maternal stress during pregnancy,
  • no tools for self-control during rearing and upbringing,
  • excessive stimulation in puppyhood.

However, separation anxiety should not be confused with addiction. Fear of separation is normal in puppies, but over time the dog should build trust and the fear will go away. As soon as the dog is left alone in the apartment, the fear of separation disappears.

However, dependency goes far beyond a punctual separation anxiety. It means that the dog cannot be happy when the owner is not with him.

What are the consequences of addiction for the dog?

In general, this makes the dog unhappy because it is absolutely fixated on its owner. This can lead to stress and serious health problems. Also,  depression can occur as a result.

A well-known dog trainer explains that stress has a very negative effect on the metabolism of both dogs and humans. The dependency causes  the dog to age faster and its quality of life also suffers. 

Some believe that certain races are more dependent than others, but this is not necessarily the case. A dog is not born dependent, it develops the dependency for various reasons, whereby the upbringing plays a very special role.

What can be done to avoid making the dog too dependent?

How can you avoid addiction through the right upbringing?

There are several things you can consider when training your dog so that he doesn’t depend too much on you:

Dependence on dog and woman

  1. If your dog has a tendency to follow you everywhere, you may have taught him how to do this from a young age. You should stop doing this. When you get home, you greet the dog and pet it, but  then let it go its own way again. Teach him commands so he knows to go to bed or some other place.
  2. Be constant and convincing! If you want your dog to go to a certain place after being greeted, the process should always be the same. You have to be constant for him to actually understand what to do.
  3. Be affectionate to your dog. Dependence and tenderness are two completely different things. You just have to find the right balance!
  4. Don’t humanize your dog! He is and remains a dog,  there is no reason to treat him like a human. If you do, your furry friend will become addicted and unhappy when you are not around.

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