Why Do Some People Dislike Animals?

Animal lovers shouldn’t regard their own criteria as the only valid point of view, and of course the other way round shouldn’t be the case either. However, what cannot be tolerated under any circumstances is animal abuse or violence against animals. 
Why do some people dislike animals?

The relationship between  humans  and animals is fundamental for both, but also polemical. Some love their pet more than anything and treat it like a human , others can’t do anything with animals and some people even violence against animals.

But why do some people not like animals? There are always disagreements because some pet owners love their dogs, cats or horses more than anything that others do not understand and perceive as exaggerated.

Vegans show their respect for animals by not consuming any products of animal origin. Is that correct or exaggerated? All opinions are to be respected, everyone is free to make these decisions for themselves. However, what is by no means tolerable is violence against animals or animal abuse.

Animals have to be respected and treated appropriately,  regardless of whether you like them more or less, that has nothing to do with it.

Reactions to people who don’t like animals 

The diversity and uniqueness of every person is the basis of our society and individual freedom. Nobody can be judged for not liking animals or for loving animals above all else. Mutual respect should never be missing.

The following aspects must also be taken into account:

  • If someone doesn’t like animals, that doesn’t mean they are cold-hearted. It can be a wonderful person who has warm and generous relationships with other people.
  • There are also lonely, withdrawn people who have difficulty establishing relationships with other people and therefore give all their love to their pet.
    Menschen und Krokodile
    Source: masviral.net
    The world is big and there is room for all opinions  as long as they are based on respect, acceptance and tolerance. 

    Why do some people dislike animals?

    We will then consider various interesting aspects, whereby of course it must also be taken into account that  the animal kingdom is very large and human reactions also depend on the species. 

    • Some people love dogs but don’t like cats, or vice versa. The difference lies in different behavior patterns and characteristics that trigger different feelings. The dog is known as a loving and loyal protector, cats are more independent and individualistic.
    • Some people live with reptiles,  but do not believe in classic pets such as dogs or cats. This must also be respected.
    • Others love fish in an aquarium but  dislike other pets. Fish are quiet and do not disturb, they do not run through the house, do not destroy or dirty furniture, but they have a calming effect.
    • Some love animals but turn them into their toys  with hairstyles, clothes and accessories. Of course, the question arises whether this is in the animal’s interest or not.
    • Some people feel bound by a pet. It’s not that they don’t like animals, but they prefer other activities and don’t have time to look after them. Your work or travel does not allow you to have a pet.
    • There are also psychological theories that use family history to explain why some people don’t like animals. Causes can be childhood trauma or past events that could not be overcome. 

    Humans and dogs

    Domestication and love for pets

    Many people do not want to have animals in their own home, but  admire animals in the wild. The reason for this is often that they assume that domesticated animals suffer because they are not in their accustomed and natural environment.

    Others do not understand how to dress a dog fashionably and how to treat a person, because this is not appropriate to the species. Not only do many  dog lovers reject this. However, this does not mean that the animals themselves are rejected, on the contrary: living beings are loved as they were created by nature.

    Not having a pet does not automatically mean not liking animals. There are many influencing factors that play an important role in this. Sometimes there is also fear behind it, or simply respect for the natural condition. 

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