Learn How To Make Your Dog A Raincoat

We’ll give you a few tips on how to make your dog’s own raincoat. So you can go for a walk in the rain with peace of mind.
Learn how to make your dog a raincoat

Autumn and rain are often synonyms, especially in some regions of the country. But let’s be honest: the rain can catch up with us at any time of the year. Sometimes it starts to rain exactly when we want to take our furry friend for a walk. That’s why we’re going to tell you today how you can make your own raincoat for your dog .

Maybe not exactly fashionable, but well protected from rain and cold

Dog with raincoat

First of all, we want to assure you that with your animals we do not advise you to treat your dog like a human. Dogs don’t really care about the latest fads. But they don’t care at all about the weather.

It is important that you protect her from the cold and rain. So we remind you that it is good to have a raincoat for your dog. You can purchase a variety of models and designs in pet stores.

But if you can’t or don’t want to spend money on this topic, you can just do one yourself. It only takes a few things in your household and, of course, a little time.

Remember, your dog has no interest in whether his raincoat is particularly pretty or not. He also doesn’t care if you made the raincoat or some up-and-coming pet fashion designer.

With the money you save, you can buy something for your furry friend that you cannot easily make yourself. For example, it could be a high quality feed. Or maybe a dog shampoo that is particularly nourishing for its coat type. So you can pamper him with the next bath.

A quick fix to keep your dog from getting wet in the rain

Safe in a raincoat

Let’s say you are about to leave the house with your dog. Right now it’s starting to rain, or a serious storm is brewing in the sky. Since your dog’s needs cannot be delayed because of bad weather and you don’t have a raincoat for him, we’ll give you a simple solution to the problem. Take care:

  • You need a garbage bag. Find the toughest you can find. The bin bag should be the appropriate size for your dog. If your dog is very small, then cut the bag to its size.
  • Cut open the bottom of the bag.
  • Work out where your dog’s paws are, then cut four holes in the bag.  Also, keep in mind that you will need a protruding piece to act as a hood.
  • Cut another hole in the bag for the tail of your furry friend.
  • You can also tie the raincoat for your dog with a fabric belt. That way he sits more securely.

That’s all, you can go for a walk together in the rain!

A slightly finer option for a homemade raincoat for your dog

If you have a little more time and want to make a more elaborate raincoat for your dog, check out these tips:

  • Look for a raincoat that you or someone in your family no longer uses.
  • Take the following measurements of your dog: the circumference of his neck and head, the width of his body, and the length of his body from neck to tail.
  • Cut a rectangle from the raincoat that matches the measurements. Also, cut two strips of fabric. One to be placed around the dog’s neck and a second to be tied around the dog’s rear.
  • Attach the strips of fabric to the rectangle with Velcro or buttons.

That being said, you can also cut a piece of fabric into a crescent shape to make a hood out of it. You can sew these onto the raincoat, or fasten them with Velcro or buttons.

Add a layer of warm fabric to the raincoat for cold days

If it is not only raining but also cold, it is of particular importance that you protect your dog well before you leave the house. So it is more than recommended to have an accessory that not only protects your fur nose from rain but also from the cold at low temperatures. 

You will need an old sweatshirt for this. Cut it to size and sew it to the inside of the raincoat.  So you’ve already solved the problem.

Now you can go for a walk with your dog even in rough weather.

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