Bathing Puppies In The Pool? Important Tips!

Many dogs love to spend hours in the water with their family. But the question arises as to whether it is good to let a puppy bathe in the pool.
Bathing puppies in the pool?  Important tips!

Many dogs love to spend hours in the water with their family. But the question arises as to whether it is good  to let a puppy bathe in the pool.

The greatest risks are in the first months of life, as the little pooches are more vulnerable during this time. Read on to learn more about this topic. 

Can all dogs enjoy the pool?

In principle, all dogs can enjoy the pool with their family.  Of course, everyone has to have fun! In addition, the dog’s state of health must be correspondingly good.

Like humans , dogs have different personalities, preferences, and abilities. It also depends on the breed, as some love water more than others.

Some breeds, such as Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Newfoundlands, or Water Dogs, show a natural predisposition for aquatic activities. They swim perfectly because their bodies are adapted to the element of water. And they have a lot of fun in the water too.

However , swimming is a challenge  for  brachycephalic breeds  because they are not physically prepared for this activity.

The flat muzzle usually leads to breathing difficulties and the lung capacity is also reduced. Therefore, these dogs shouldn’t try too hard.

Puppies learning to swim in the pool

Usually, what matters is not the dog’s breed, size, or age, but rather its personality, health, and upbringing.

Any dog ​​can enjoy the pool provided they are physically and mentally prepared to have this new experience.

Can you bathe a puppy in the pool?

A newborn puppy is not yet able to move independently, neither on the ground nor in the water. Little by little, your best friend will develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially and begin to gain more independence.

However, before the pooch can be outdoors or in the water, it must be vaccinated and dewormed. His immune system must also develop sufficiently so that the water does not become a danger.

Ask your  vet before you take your puppy into the water. In practice, the specialist can check your dog’s health and inform you about the acclimatization process.

Tips for bathing your puppy in the pool

In addition to visiting the vet, it is also important to take certain care and preventive measures to keep your pet safe.

We have a few tips for you so that you can enjoy warm days with your puppy in the pool .

Playing with puppies in the pool

Never leave your dog alone in the pool

Even if you have a suitable swimming pool, you should never leave your dog alone in the water. Dogs can experience cramps or numbness that can prevent them from moving properly to get out of the pool.

Ideally , dogs should therefore always wear their leash when playing in the water. This way, they can be moved more easily by their owners and, in an emergency, pulled out of the pool.

Hydration and sun protection

Excessive exposure to the sun can not only cause burns but also other serious diseases such as skin cancer.  Special sunscreens for dogs are available in pet shops.

It is very important to apply the protection to the entire surface of the skin. You have to make sure that the dog’s eyes and mucous membranes are not affected.

Additionally, increasing your dog’s hydration is imperative!  On very hot days, he should stay in the shade to avoid dehydration and heat stroke.

Don’t forget to give your dog a good bath and dry

After you’ve been in the pool with your dog for a day, be sure to bathe your dog in natural water to remove the chlorine.

After bathing, you need to dry his fur and skin very well, paying special attention to the ears. The accumulation of moisture favors the multiplication of fungi, bacteria, mites and other microorganisms that are harmful to his health.

Appropriate medical care

If you want to enjoy summer in the pool with your puppy, it is important to step up his anti-parasite treatment .

Reinforce hygiene

If you share the pool with your dog, you will also need to improve water hygiene. In general, it is advisable to clean the pool every two to three days to avoid the build-up of hair or debris.

In addition, you should brush your best friend’s fur daily to prevent dirt from building up.

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