A Puppy’s First Days At Home

Suddenly we meet an animal that is still a baby and has many needs that we have to meet. Try to make the puppy’s first few days easier and prepare for them.
A puppy's first days at home

Di e first day of a puppy at home and its correct and quick adaptation are the key to the proper socialization. It is fundamental so that he can get to know the world around him, people and other animals.

Suddenly we meet an animal that is still a baby and has many needs that we have to meet. Try to make the puppy  ‘s first few days easier and prepare for them.

Preparing for a Puppy

Before you bring a puppy home, you need to prepare for him or her. The whole family must be on some, who for cleanliness, food and drink, veterinarian and walks  will be responsible. ..

Also, keep in mind that the puppy will need a place in the house. It is important to know where to sleep, relieve yourself, and where and what to eat. The puppy is still very young, but it is good to get him used to a routine, it will make things easier.

It is necessary that you prepare the house for its teeth, for tripping or tail flicks. Set aside the things it can throw down and break and the things it shouldn’t bite into.

Cover or protect dangerous places. This makes it easier to adapt and this is the only way to prevent accidents and anger.

A Puppy's First Days - Training

As he gets older, you can put things back in their original place and change the rules and requirements for your dog. But remember that a puppy’s first few days at home are a big change for everyone, and it is better to prepare well.

Create a health plan

The puppy will be healthy for sure, but you need to prepare for illness. A puppy’s health plan begins with choosing a veterinarian who can treat him if necessary.

Choose someone else who will be on call in the event of an accident and always have their phone number and details at hand.

When the puppy comes home or about to come home, it’s best to talk to the vet about your dog’s vaccination schedule and registration.

Talk about their breed or crossbreed to know if you need to prevent a congenital disease and schedule regular checkups.

When the puppy arrives at your home, make an initial appointment to take a medical history and do an initial deworming.

If the puppy needs a medical exam or is sick, you already know the vet and it’s easier for you to trust him. If you don’t like the vet, there is time to switch to someone else you trust more.

A Puppy's First Days - Veterinarian

Even if the puppies are healthy, accidents can always happen. Knowing what to do when you need an emergency veterinarian is very important. But it is also important to know the vaccination calendar and health plan in advance.

Stage of development and socialization

Puppies are usually between seven and nine weeks old when they get home. This is the familiar phase of socialization. It is a development phase in which you get to know new things in life with curiosity and without fear. It is therefore the best phase to discover new things.

However, socialization is something that can be done without rushing. The dog is eager to learn new things at the moment, but at some point it may be satiated. To present new situations, remember:

  • That the new stimuli should appear gradually and not with great intensity. For example loud music. It should start with a low volume of a quiet song and gradually increase in intensity.
  • Give the dog a chance to run away if he doesn’t like the situation.
  • Don’t force him to learn new stimuli. Be patient and let him learn at his own pace.

The first days of a puppy - water dog

The socialization phase is perfect for him to meet different people and animals. Introduce him to the elderly, children, men with beards, and very tall people. But also cats, rabbits, hamsters and turtles.

New things he learns before he is three months old are usually saved for the rest of his life.

If you can’t use this stage of socialization because of a problem, don’t worry. Your dog will still be able to learn new things and deal with different situations for the rest of his life. You just need a little more patience.

A puppy’s first days at home

We tend to be too strict with dogs, even if they are puppies. Often times, during a puppy’s first few days at home, owners focus too much on order and discipline and neglect other more important things.

Rules for dogs can be changed. If he’s doing something wrong or misbehaving, you can change that when he’s a little older.

When a puppy is this small, it is more important to make them feel safe and loved than to make them never jump on the sofa. This rule can be taught later.

The first days of a puppy - in a hammock

For example , he will learn to be alone when he is a little older. It is good if he sleeps in your room for the first few weeks as it will make him feel safer and sleep better.

In the same way , he will learn not to jump on the sofa or meet his needs on the street when he is older.

A puppy’s first few days at home can sometimes be too focused on discipline and neglect other important things. His safety, his health or the prevention of accidents at home. So before you make rules and give instructions, enjoy your dog’s cutest age.

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