How To Give A Pill To A Cat

In today’s article, you’ll learn how to get a cat to swallow a pill.
How to give a tablet to a cat

It’s always a risk, but sometimes it’s inevitable. Giving a cat a pill can cause some scratches, but we also know that it will heal our pet. As this is a somewhat difficult topic, it is important to prepare for it.

Cats are naturally moody and intelligent, so it’s not easy to fool them.  But with a little creativity you can put the tablet carefully into the mouth of the sharp-clawed and toothy puss, which reduces the stress for both of them.

First, we should take time and patience to get the cat used to letting us touch its face and mouth. We can try to playfully put your head back and open your mouth. So we are already practicing for the moment when she is supposed to swallow the medicine. After that, we should always reward her, so she combines this game with pleasant feelings.

When the cat is relaxed, you can slowly open its mouth with the thumb and middle finger of your left hand.  Place your fingers over the face in a “C” shape so the animal can get used to the contact. You should also get your velvet paws used to playing with syringes (without needles) so that they can later tolerate them in their mouths.

We should also consider the form in which the medicine is administered to the animal:  can it be crushed or should it swallow the tablet whole? Can it be dissolved in water or mixed with eating? Should the cat take the drug on an empty stomach? With all of the questions resolved, it is time to begin the process.

How to give a pill to a cat

The thumb and forefinger do most of the work here.  We hold the tablet in our right hand. We hold the cat with our left arm. It should be leaning against our body with the head forward.


Give the cat a pill

The fingers of this hand first lift the cat’s head a little.  The middle finger of the right hand applies some downward pressure to open the mouth. Then you insert the tablet and place it as far back on your tongue as possible.

Rub the neck under the chin while the jaw is closed. This is how you help the cat swallow.  If she then licks her lips or nose, the goal is achieved.

It can of course also happen that the first attempt fails and the kitty simply spits the tablet out again. Then you’ll need to repeat the process, unless the animal becomes nervous or aggressive. If you split the task between two people, it becomes a lot easier.

Tricks to make it easier to take the medicine

You can put the cat on a table to give her the pill.  It is best to wrap them in a towel gently to avoid scratches and bites. That’s why you have to take good care of your hands.

You can also hide the medicine in a treat. Maybe you just need to delay feeding times a little so your cat is hungry and then actually eats it.

Once the cat has enough confidence to be touched by the face and mouth, then you can give it a small, soft treat that it can swallow whole. As she gets used to biting into the treat, she’ll hit the tablet and spit it out again.

Then you give her more treats and one of them contains the tablet. Your smell is hidden by the treat.  You have to change the amount and order so that the pet does not find out in which the drug is hidden.

Cat and mistress love each other

¿Crushed, whole or with water?

It doesn’t make much difference whether you crush the tablet at home or buy it as a powder.  It is only important to ask your veterinarian for advice beforehand whether the tablet should be swallowed whole or taken as a powder. If you can, you can use a syringe, but you will also need to get your cat used to it beforehand.

Lubricate the syringe with one of the kitty’s favorite foods and let them smell or lick it.  This way she gets used to this object near her mouth more quickly.

If she does not have any problems absorbing liquid with it, then she will ingest the dissolved tablet as well. This prevents it from getting stuck in the esophagus.  However, if we are not very careful, incorrect use can cause pneumonia. It is therefore important not to put liquid into the cat’s mouth faster than the cat can swallow.

It is also important to follow the instructions on the package insert.  There are always things to keep in mind with medicines.

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