Can You Do The Shopping With The Dog?

While many shopping centers and stores allow pets, there are some shops that do not allow pets. However, one must also consider whether the fur nose is brought up well enough to behave properly in public.
Can you do the shopping with the dog?

Pets have been a part of our lives since time immemorial. There was always a boundary between animals and humans, but our beloved friends are slowly gaining more and more space in many areas of life. This also includes shopping with the dog.

Yes, you can do your shopping with your dog

For a long time there have been fewer and fewer signs on which our pets are prohibited from entering. Of course there are some shops, such as grocery stores, where dogs are not allowed for hygienic reasons. With others, however, the reason for the entry ban was not so understandable.

These changes take place due to the many campaigns of the animal welfare associations. Thanks to them and the efforts of all dog owners, nowadays you can do your shopping with your dog .

Dogs are often welcome in shopping malls and stores that sell perfumes, clothes, jewelry, shoes, and more. Therefore, nowadays you can see more and more people with their furry noses in the shopping center, even if it is not outdoors.

Dog in business

Those who cannot exactly be called animal lovers are annoyed by this and argue that a dog would not buy anything after all. Animal lovers, on the other hand, have alluded to the fact that they are trying to fool them.

Of course, it’s not about a dog buying something. Rather, we would like to do the shopping with the dog so that the four-legged friend does not have to be bored at home.

We want to wrap the animals in our society and a real world. This is a world that they ultimately belong to as well.

While many shopping centers nowadays allow pets to enter, smaller shops decide for themselves. 

City stroll with the fur nose

Tips for shopping with the dog

Even if you are allowed to take your pet with you to go shopping, you still have to prepare yourself and the animal well and consider various aspects:

  • The size of the dog. If the shop is very small and your dog is very large, there could be a space problem. So be sensible so that we don’t lose this right we have fought for so long.
  • Always on a leash. Even a well-behaved dog can harass other people or accidentally knock something over. Always keep your fur nose on a leash and as close to you as possible. A small dog, for example, also fits in the handbag.
  • His personality. Everyone thinks their dog is the best, but be honest with yourself: does your dog bite others? Does he fidget and knock things over without noticing? Is he pulling on the leash and not listening to you? Then you’d better leave him at home and forget about shopping with the dog.
  • Accept a “no”.  Many shops allow entry, but not all do. So if you are banned from entering with your pet, don’t argue at all, just smile, thank them, turn around and keep walking.

So you can take your dog with you to the grocery store, the hairdresser, to a restaurant or other business. However, the decision rests with the business owners.

Our positive attitude can also mean that more of them allow entry for fur nose and co. However, we do not achieve anything through arguing or violence.

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