The Alano Español

The Alano Español, popularly known as the “Spanish Bulldog”, is a fairly unknown breed of Spanish dog.
The Alano Español

The Alano Español is very old and is considered a fighting dog, similar to the pit bull or the Staffordshire bull terrier.

The Alano Español: history

The name of the Alano Español is inspired by the people of the Alans, a people who came to Europe from the North Caucasus in the fourth century. In this area there was a breed called “Alaunt”, from which the dog we are dealing with in this post is descended from.

The Alano  Español is mentioned by King Alfonso XI in one of his monteria treaties from the 15th century. It can also be found in paintings by Velázquez or in writings by Cervantes.

The Alans used this animal for fighting, hunting, and raising livestock. In addition, the Spanish army used it in the conquest of America. Unfortunately, the animal was also used in bullfights where a group of Alanos had to fight a wild bull.

Its historical significance is not only evident in historical works of art. There are also better known specimens of the Alano Español. The best example is Becerrillo, the dog from Sancho de Aragón, who is said to have even sacrificed his life to save his master.

Characteristics and behavior

The Alano Español is a dog with a large head, a muscular jaw and a strong build, weighing up to 40 kg. Its fur can take on very different colors, from greyish to tabby or reddish throughout. He has thick and wrinkled skin.

The behavior of the Alano Español is similar to that of other attack dogs. It’s a restless animal that needs long walks and lots of exercise. He is a complicated and difficult dog to train, but he is very loyal.

History has praised the breed’s courage, which is why they were used to hunt dangerous species, such as wild boar. Wild boars could kill the dog with no problem.

The Alano Español: Attitude

As already mentioned, the Alano Español requires a lot of movement. It is recommended that you get fresh air with the Alano Español at least three times a day.

Although their fur is short, they should be brushed at least once a week, and their ears, eyes, and mouth should be kept clean. One must pay special attention to the wrinkles on the face, as dermatitis is easy to develop there.

Because of its rustic characteristics, this breed does not usually have many diseases. You have to pay attention to a balanced diet in order to avoid obesity.

Of course, with the Alano Español, as with many pets, you have to go to the vet regularly to have a vaccination schedule drawn up, as it can be affected by some infectious diseases.

The Alano Español is insensitive to temperature fluctuations and can therefore be kept well in all latitudes. In the summer months you have to pay attention to a good supply of water.


In addition to its earlier role as a war dog, the Alano Español has become a good house dog when properly trained .

Its use as a herding dog, especially with cattle and bulls, should also be mentioned.

Changes in hunting and animal husbandry have displaced the Alano Español from this area, which is why it was temporarily threatened with extinction.

The recovery of the population through the reproduction of the last specimens from farmers in the Mena Valley has been a success. Now the Alano Español has a second chance to show what its historic breed can do to our society.

Source of main image: courtesy of

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