Your Pet Is Not Human!

Let your animal be animal, it will feel happy and be loyal and grateful to you.
Your pet is not human!

No matter how much you love your  pet , it is not human and you shouldn’t treat it that way. Respect its nature and do not humanize it! 

Your pet is not human, you torment it if you don’t respect its nature

Dein Haustier ist kein Mensch, du quälst es, wenn du seine Natur nicht respektierst

You are not allowed to think about yourself and transfer your wishes to your pet, but have to respect and accept the nature of the dog or cat. There is no point in thinking that whatever is good for yourself is also good for the animal.

You are doing your dog or cat no good by treating them like people. This can lead to physical and behavioral problems! Only when you respect your pet’s nature can they be happy.

Pet Humanization: A Problem Today

Social networks and digital friendships often lead to loneliness and poor communication, but a pet cannot replace people. While it often has wonderful therapeutic effects,  that doesn’t mean that it should be treated like a human.

Let your dog be an animal!

There are different forms of humanization. For example:

  • Feed human food to the dog or cat.
  • Put the animal at the table.
  • To dress it or to put jewelry on it.
  • Celebrate the birthday with balloons and cake.
  • Organize a dog wedding with a tuxedo and wedding dress.
  • See the animal as a small child or a baby substitute.

Consequences of the humanization of pets

Treating an animal like a human can have several negative consequences:

  • Obesity and other nutritional problems
  • aggressiveness
  • Destruction of furniture and other objects
  • Meeting needs wherever the animal is
  • Compulsive barking
  • Stereotypical behavior (chasing one’s tail, constant licking, self-mutilation, etc.)

Accept your pet as it is

Haustier und Besitzer

There are so many ways to have fun with pets. They are wonderful and lovable, and deserve respect and care. Let your animal be animal, it will feel happy and be loyal and grateful to you. Educate it and respect its nature.

  • Feed your dog or cat with the right food,
  • play with him and stimulate his intelligence,
  • allow him enough exercise and exercise and
  • allow him to behave according to his nature!

Does your dog love to sniff, dig, bark and chase butterflies? Watch it and enjoy it!

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