Your Dog Will Notice Whether You Are Happy Or Angry

There have already been a large number of studies that have shown that dogs are capable of feelings and can also recognize our feelings and support us in difficult situations.
Your dog can tell if you are happy or angry

Dogs seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to understanding our feelings. Even if many skeptics still claim that our four-legged friends are not able to do this, numerous studies show the opposite: your dog can tell whether you are happy or angry. Even if you try to hide your feelings, your four-legged friend will always know how you are feeling.

The Medical University of Vienna wanted to prove this ability of dogs and has published a study in a well-known scientific journal. 

How was it found that a dog can tell if you are happy or angry?

A girl is happy with her dog

The University of Vienna started its study with the help of photos in which the dog owners could be recognized with different facial expressions – happy and angry.  

These photos were presented to the dogs one at a time, and in each case the dogs chose the photo with the happy expression on their faces. This behavior proves not only that our dogs can tell if we are happy or upset, but also that they prefer us with a smile on their face.

The dogs were also presented with photos of a total of 15 strangers in several trials, always with happy and angry facial expressions. In all cases, the dogs chose the picture with the happy expression

This proves that a dog not only recognizes whether its owner is happy or angry, it can also determine this in people who are strangers to it. 

It is hard to say exactly why dogs recognize our emotions, it is likely that they associate anger with something negative and joy with something positive. The easiest way to explain this phenomenon is how people know from an early age what they like and what they don’t.

We show you the video that surprised everyone:

This discovery is a great step forward in relationships with our pets because it shows that after a long day we don’t have to tell them whether we are doing well or not because they know the moment we get to the door come in.

Your dog will also behave according to your state of mind, because our four-legged friends are empathetic, did you know that?

Dogs are capable of empathy

We have already addressed this topic several times and found that our dogs are able to feel empathy. Okay, but what exactly is empathy? It is compassion in connection with the need to help. In other words, it is a feeling that allows one to put oneself in someone else’s shoes.

At first glance, this feeling is not normal in a world dominated by selfishness and an “me first” attitude. Our four-legged friends, however, seem to have plenty of it.

There have already been a large number of studies that have shown that dogs are capable of feelings and can also recognize our feelings and support us in difficult situations. But how can we be sure?

Very easily! All you have to do is observe your dog’s behavior: how does he behave when you are happy? And what does he do when you are sad? How does your dog react when you are upset?

It has been shown that all dogs are happy when their owners are too. They jump around, want to play with their owners, howl or bark excitedly and are looking for cuddles.

When you are sad, your dog will try to comfort you by licking you and poking you with his snout to make you laugh. That’s empathy!

Did you also notice how your dog behaves when you are upset? He’s probably hiding under the bed and won’t even come out when you call him. He wants to give you your freedom. Why? Because your dog knows what it feels like to have a bad day too, and sometimes it’s better to just be alone.

Surely there will always be people who say that animals have no feelings and are no more than irrational beings. It may be true that they don’t think like us humans, but various studies have shown that they are quite capable of feeling feelings and want to help us when we are not feeling well. Because as it has been shown, dogs are able to recognize our feelings!

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