Penalties For Dogs?

It is always best to use positive reinforcement to correct mistakes – this works great for both humans and dogs.
Penalties for dogs?

Punishments  always have a negative impact, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It is always best to use positive reinforcement to correct mistakes – this works great for both humans and dogs. But sometimes other measures are necessary. Today we’re going to take a closer look at this topic: How can you properly punish a dog?

Penalties to Avoid

There are “negative punishments ” that should definitely be avoided, because they cannot change the dog’s behavior, but the physical and mental health of your four-legged friend can suffer as a result.

Punish dog

  • Physical punishment: We have pointed out several times that physical punishment is a form of abuse that  causes pain and fear in the animal. If this type of punishment is used more often, the dog may get used to it and understand less and less what you are trying to do with it.
  • Verbal punishments:  Screaming or insulting the animal will not make it follow you. Remember that the dog will not understand your language and will not be more obedient because you are yelling at him.
  • Locking up: Locking up a dog when he misbehaves will not improve the situation either. The animal doesn’t understand why you’re doing this. It will whine or cry and be nervous and worried. Even if you lock the dog on the terrace and not let them into the house when they want, that doesn’t make any sense.

    A negative punishment cannot do anything positive! The dog can get used to it and think this is normal, but it will not learn the lesson. However, your relationship with your dog will suffer because the animal associates your presence with negative things.

    However, there are other ways to punish a dog that will help him learn from mistakes.

    Positive reinforcement, the perfect punishment

    A mother came up with the “green ballpoint pen” method. She had grown tired of correcting her daughter’s mistakes with a red ballpoint pen and seeing no progress. So she began to mark all the correct words with a green ballpoint pen. The greener the correction, the better the work. And it works!

    If you want your dog to learn the command “come”, he will initially only come when he wants to. If you get angry with him and don’t let him know that he got it right one time out of ten attempts, then the dog won’t know what you want from him.

    However, if you reward him for correct behavior, you will encourage him to be obedient and everything will be a lot easier.

    Reward or punish dog

    However, sometimes the dog needs to be reprimanded. How do you do that?

    With a firm, but not coarse voice. You look him straight in the eye, hold him gently by the neck so that he doesn’t run away, and talk to him for a moment. It shouldn’t take long!

    It is important to train your dog properly from an early age  so that it will behave properly and be obedient throughout life. Show him where to go with love and positive reinforcement, be constant and patient, because this way you can avoid punishing your dog.

    There are many views on how to teach a dog not to destroy anything, to pee in the house or do other inappropriate things, but remember,  frightening your dog will not help him improve his behavior,  on the contrary !

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