Cat Training With Clicker

With the clicker, the desired behavior is reinforced by the marker signal. This is a great way to teach your cat different things.
Cat training with clicker

While it is usually easier to train a dog, that doesn’t mean cats can’t learn certain things. The cat training with the  clicker  can be very successful. You just need time and patience. Do you want to know more about it? Then read on.

Cat training with clicker

The aim of the training is to change the behavior of the cat. Punishment has no place here, however,  it is about achieving certain behaviors through positive reinforcement and repetition. With the clicker, the desired behavior is reinforced by the marker signal and then the cat receives a reward.

Clicker for cat training

The clicker is a simple cracking frog that emits a constant marker signal. The secret lies in the fact  that this sound is interesting and new to cats and therefore sharpens their attention. 

Your chick has got used to your voice for a long time, this is nothing new. However, communication during training can be improved with the marker signal of the clicker 

Even so, training is not easy and you will need a lot of patience. It’s just an extra help. Then you will find various tips for using the clicker for cat training.

Cat training with clicker

Once you have the clicker and the right reward for your cat, you can begin:

  • First, decide what you want to teach your cat. For example, you can train them to bring you an item. A twig, pen, or spoon can serve. You can also attach a tennis ball to the pen to get your cat interested. Avoid targeting treats, because then the samptpaw would just be looking for something it likes.
  • Find the perfect time. It is very important to choose the right time to exercise, the cat should be calm and you need time. Allow five minutes to pass between sessions. If you exercise before feeding, your cat will be more interested because he wants the reward. This way she will obey your commands better.
  • Avoid distractions. Train in a room where there are as few objects as possible that could distract from the actual goal. The fewer obstacles, the easier the training.

    Cat training with clicker

    • Sit on the floor  because when you are on a level with your cat, training will be easier.
    • The sound of the clicker should be associated with the reward. Click once and give your cat a treat, repeat several times. Then you throw the treat away a little further. The cat will get it and listen to the clicker at the same time as the reward. However, she will now have to work a little harder to get the reward.
    • Don’t talk to your cat during exercise. She should only listen for the clicker sound.
    • Now you bring the target item into play. Because now is the time to associate the click not only with a reward, but also with an object.
    • Show your cat the target object and click as soon as it approaches. Then give her a treat to make her associate everything. Repeat this procedure several times until your cat understands what you want.
    • Wait now In the next step, your kitty will no longer hesitate to touch the target object when you click. Don’t forget the reward!
    • Move the object. Now if you throw the target object a little further away, your cat will move too. Keep training like this and don’t forget to reward your velvet paw!

    You can train your cat with various tricks with this method and the clicker,  all you need is time and patience. Nothing is impossible! Even a cat can learn to obey orders …

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