The Wirehaired Fox Terrier

One of the most popular pets in the world: the wirehaired fox terrier! Find out everything about this wonderful breed of dog here!
The wirehaired fox terrier

The fox terrier is one of the most popular pets of all time. This has included two different breeds since the 1920s: the wirehaired fox terrier and the smooth-haired fox terrier, which were bred for different purposes. Did you know that they were originally hunting dogs? Read on and find out all about these dogs!

The wirehaired fox terrier as a guard dog

Nobody knows exactly when this strain was created, but there are records that go back to the 19th century. These dogs are descended from the Bull Terrier and the Black English Terrier. The British Kennel Club classified both wire-haired and straight-haired breeds into one group until they were accepted as two different breeds by the FCI in the mid-1920s.

These dogs were originally bred to hunt foxes, rabbits and other small animals. The fox terrier is one of the most active and alert dogs out there today. That makes it difficult to control at times.

Physical characteristics

These dogs are short and light, so they are also very skilled and perfect pets in a busy neighborhood.


  • The head weighs between seven and eight kilograms.
  • The muzzle is usually the same size as the head.
  • The jaw is perfectly aligned and shaped like a scissor.
  • The nose is small and black.
  • The eyes are round, medium-sized and dark, the distance symmetrical.
  • The small triangular ears point forward.


  • The wire-haired fox terrier reaches a shoulder height between 38 and 40 cm.
  • The chest is deep, the back compact and arched. The small, strong limbs can move very quickly.
  • The tail is of medium length and can be rolled.
  • The fur is short, thick and wiry. Most of the time it is brown around the eyes, and the animal often has black or brown spots on its body.

    It is a dynamic and interesting hunting dog,  but it can be kept not only in the country but also in a city if it has enough exercise and exercise.


    Terriers are born hunters, which makes them exceptionally intelligent. A fox terrier will never have to catch up with you because it is very curious and always on the lookout to recognize sudden movements immediately.

    The wirehaired fox terrier is very friendly to its owner and learns quickly. However, he gets bored quickly if he has to repeat the same task over and over again during training.   When he’s bored, he starts digging holes.

    The wirehaired fox terrier, personality

    The fox terrier is very friendly to people and most breeds of dogs. Since he is very affectionate and playful, he makes an ideal pet for families, especially if they are physically active.

    Don’t forget, however, that  this breed still retains its original hunting instinct. This can sometimes be a problem as this fox terrier can chase a cat or a car too!


    Training the fox terrier can be challenging, so obedience must be a  top priority.  Only when this works can you focus on other commands. This breed learns quickly and believes it is on a par with its owner.

    A well-behaved terrier can take part in challenging competitions to demonstrate his agility or skill in handling obstacles. This breed can also often be found at dog shows because it is very versatile.


    The wirehaired fox terrier is robust and not particularly susceptible to diseases. He is therefore no exception within the group of terriers. Nevertheless, there are certain diseases that can occur.

    These animals are very physically active and broken bones can occur, especially in the shoulders in older animals. They also tend to develop eye problems as they age.

    You may suffer from cataracts, glaucoma, and ectopia lentis (displacement of the lens of the eye).  Ectopia lentis can be treated with medication or by removing the lens. After that, eye drops must be used for the rest of the dog’s life.
    Aside from illnesses that require special care, you should brush their fur regularly. Not only to remove dead hair, but also to keep the coat shiny. You should also watch out for fleas or ticks that may nestle between your hair.

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