Why Do Cats Live Longer Than Dogs?

Basically, it can be said that cats live longer than dogs. However, a cat’s life expectancy depends on a variety of different factors. Find out more about it today.
Why do cats live longer than dogs?

Dogs and cats are among the most popular pets in the world. There are outspoken cat lovers, but also big dog lovers. In addition, there are people who are equally fond of both animals. While cats and dogs have some things in common, the differences between them are numerous. Have you ever wondered which of the two has a longer life expectancy? Do cats live longer than dogs?

How long do cats live?

Provided that a cat is healthy and receiving the necessary care and attention, an average of 12 to 15 years is what it is. Stray cats usually have a shorter life expectancy than domestic cats. Of course, this depends on various other factors. Not all breeds have the same life expectancy, and therefore some cats live longer than others.

As with dogs, artificial selection has created a genetic predisposition to various diseases in some breeds. In other words, some breeds of cats are at higher risk of developing certain diseases because of their genes.

For example , because of the shape of the face, Persian cats are particularly prone to chronic rhinitis and eye diseases. They are also at greater risk of developing polycystic kidney problems. Still, this is a relatively long-lived breed, as Persian cats can live up to 17 or 18 years old.

Cats live longer - Persian cats

A few other factors can directly affect how long a cat will live:

  • Genetics : If the cat’s parents have had a specific medical condition, it could have an impact on the cat’s life expectancy.
  • Size : Like dogs, smaller cats tend to live longer than larger ones.
  • gender
  • nourishment
  • Physical activity : Being overweight and obese can lead to various diseases such as diabetes.
  • Stress : Stress can have many harmful effects on your cat’s health. In some cases the immune system is weakened, which plays a crucial role in fighting infections.

How to extend your cat’s life expectancy

How long your cat will live also depends, at least in part, on the care and care it receives. In order for your cat to be happy and healthy, it needs:

  • Good nutrition : If you feed your cat high-quality cat food, you are automatically investing in their health as well. Over the years, this could save you a lot of extra visits to the vet. In the long run, poor quality feed, as is often sold in supermarkets, can lead to oral, digestive and kidney problems and to a dull and unhealthy coat.
  • Regular visits to the vet:  Regular examinations ensure that possible health problems can be identified in good time. And with small kittens, getting vaccinations against panleukopenia or feline leukemia is crucial. In addition, experts recommend annual blood tests for older cats.
  • A stimulating environment : stimulation and employment is very important, especially for animals in captivity. It can help the animals to experience less stress. As we mentioned earlier, stress can have a negative impact on your pet’s health. Scratching posts, toys, climbing trees and various places for your cat to hide are perfect for enriching your cat’s environment.
  • Attention : Although cats are generally considered to be very independent, they still require a lot of care and attention from their owners. These can be games or cuddling units, for example. Some cats also benefit from living with other pets. However, not all cats get along well with others and the habituation process should be slow and gradual.

Cats live longer - the cat is petted

Why do cats live longer than dogs?

As a rule, the average life expectancy of cats is higher than that of dogs. Still, there are numerous factors that can affect how many years an animal will actually live. One of the most important is genetics.

There are cases when cats have lived for more than 25 years. An example of this was Creme Puff, the oldest cat in the world. She died in 2005 at the age of 38. Another cat named Nutmeg was 32 years old.

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