Which Is The Dog With The Strongest Paws?

Even if the limbs support the dog’s weight, it does not mean that the largest breed has the strongest paws.
Which is the dog with the strongest paws?

The dog’s paws are often analyzed in studies. This part of the body bears the entire weight of the dog and is responsible for the animal’s free movement. You will be surprised that the dog with the strongest paws is not necessarily the biggest.

Depending on the morphology, dogs can be divided into three types. These include lean and tall (ectomorphic), high fat (endomorphic), and muscular (mesomorphic). The dog with the strongest paws usually belongs to the latter class.

Dog paws

Dog paws consist of claws, finger pads, heel of the hand, carpal pads and dewclaw.

Fingers and heels of the hand cushion the impact of the steps. The wrist ball works like a brake on slippery ground. 

The structure of the dog’s paws is different for front and rear paws. The front paws are also called cat paws. This is because they are similar to cat paws. The hind paws are also nicknamed rabbit paws because they are similar to animals.

The dogs’ skin breathes through their paws and they refresh themselves even when the ground is warm. The pads even have a layer of fat that isolates the animal’s internal temperature.

So it happens that the animals do not undercool even in icy terrain. The dog also sweats through its paws when under stress or nervous.

Structure of the dog paw

Dog with the strongest paws: 6 breeds

  1. When it comes to big, strong dogs and the dog with the strongest paws, Newfoundland dogs take  first place. He comes from cool climates, so it is hardly surprising that he has strong paws. The shape and position of its claws also make it an excellent swimmer.
  2. St. Bernard. Not only is he a very large dog, but also a very sturdy dog. Its paws are wide and strong so that it can move around in the snow. The animals can reach a size of 90 cm.
  3. Great Dane. The Great Dane can weigh up to 100 kg and grow to be more than two meters tall. To bear the weight, she needs strong paws. In addition, the Great Dane is a muscular dog and you can see that in its limbs. Their paws are usually wide and leave a large mark.
  4. Even if this breed is not as big as the Great Dane, it can still reach a similar weight. That is why their paws are also similar. The Bullmastiff comes from England and is a cross between the English Mastiff and the Bulldog. The resulting animal is extremely muscular.
  5. Rhodesian Ridgeback. This South African dog has a stylized and muscular build. He is fast and agile, which is why he is often used in hunting. Its front paws are particularly strong to give the necessary impetus to pursue.
  6. Basset Hound. Its structure and build is different from that of large dogs, but the Basset Hound has impressive paws. Due to its robust and compact build, it needs its remarkably strong paws.

Dog gives paw

How to care for a dog’s paws

  • First you have to think about hygiene. Because the paws are in direct contact with the ground, dogs can get fungus or infections. It is therefore advisable to clean your paws after every walk.
  • Keep the claws short. The claws are also exposed to fungal infections when the dog walks across different terrain. If you keep it short, you reduce the risk.
  • Ensure the re-greasing of the bales. Dry skin can cause cracks and injuries. Dogs are very grateful for a paw massage! Do not press too hard on the pads.
  • Beware of extreme temperatures. The hot asphalt can burn the balls of the feet. It is therefore advisable to go for a walk early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

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