Caution! Your Dog Remembers Everything You Do!

Your dog remembers everything you do. This is shown by the results of a new study from Hungary. We’ll tell you more about it.
Caution!  Your dog remembers everything you do!

Those who share their life with a dog know only too well that not only does it often know how to interpret the situation but also what we say. They are intelligent beings who learn quickly. They are so attentive that it seems as if nothing eludes them. Therefore it is not surprising you when we tell you that your dog at all reminiscent of what you are doing.

Dogs and their look

The dog remembers all too well

Who hasn’t felt harassed because their dog stares at them while they are chasing them from one place to the next?  He watches us get up, how we dress, how we make coffee and how we drink it … and these are just a few examples!

Why do they do that? Or maybe one should rather ask what they do with the information? While the question may seem ridiculous, there are new studies showing very interesting results. Dogs simply have an innate talent for observation. They love to research what is happening around them  and take pleasure in constantly observing their surroundings. This also applies to their roommates and their friends.

It is said that the dog remembers best through its sense of smell Nobody can deny that, but it doesn’t mean that it’s the only way to keep memories. Today we’re going to tell you a recently revealed secret:  Your dog remembers everything you do.

According to one study, your dog remembers everything you do

We wondered what a dog does with all of the information it gathers through its powers of observation. We thought they did this because they were bored or because they wanted to waste the time. We would never have believed the importance of this activity.

Scientists from the University of Budapest have now carried out a study. The results are impressive. They affirm that “dogs don’t just remember what they’re doing. The dog also saves all the actions of its owner and his family, even if these activities have nothing to do with him. “

The study explores a phenomenon called episodic memory. It’s only known in people, and it helps us remember things even though we don’t think they are important.

How is the study carried out?

The border collie remembers

Different breeds of dogs were trained. 17 dogs took part in the study, some of them were mixed breeds. The dogs were trained using the “do what I do” program.  The writer Fugazza wrote a book of the same name in English. It is called: “Do as I do”.

The program tries to harmonize human behavior and dog behavior.  We teach the dogs to “do it!” to imitate. For example, the owner makes a jump and shouts “Do it!” and then the dog jumps too.

The interesting thing about this experiment is that the dogs are able to imitate the behavior of their owners even 24 hours later. This means that your episodic memory can extend these memories for up to 24 hours.

When the dogs say “Do it!” were invited , they could remembers still perfect because 24 hours of the first repeat what they had to do. That is most amazing!

But that’s not all, because it would be equivalent to the fact that the dog learns a new command, such as “come” for example. The study went on and wanted to surprise the pets. You taught them to lie down. No matter what gesture the owner would make, the dog should lie down. However, when the scientists wanted to make sure that all the dogs lay down, they amazed them when a voice said, “Do it!” called.

So our dogs can really imitate us hours after the actual action. That means your episodic memory works just like ours. They are therefore able to remember everyday tasks, even if they are of no importance to the dogs themselves. But they tell you: Your dog not only remembers what he does, but also what you do!

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