7 Mistakes In Raising Dogs

Raising dogs is not an easy task when you first do it.
7 mistakes in raising dogs

Dogs need discipline so that you can enjoy their company to the fullest. If you follow these simple guidelines, you will be able to train your dog. You just have to be patient. We introduce you to mistakes that are often made when raising dogs.

Raising dogs is not an easy task when you first do it. This can negatively affect the relationship between owner and dog.

Mistakes in raising dogs

Every responsible and loving owner would like to ensure that their pet is obedient and behaves correctly when dealing with people and other dogs.

So if this is your first time adopting a dog, or if you already have a dog but don’t know how to raise it, be sure to avoid the following mistakes.

  1. Don’t socialize him

The socialization is very important for the emotional development of our pet. It has to go through the process of imprinting in which it is with the mother and the siblings. This is fundamental for the mental and emotional health of your four-legged friend.

Even if the puppy is already at home, proper socialization must be made possible for him. You need to introduce him to friends, relatives, and other dogs you meet in the park or on the street. A socialized dog is a healthy dog, and a healthy dog ​​can easily be trained.

  1. It is a mistake not to use positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement consists in rewarding our pet’s good behavior and is directly related to teaching certain commands.

Learning a command is difficult for our dog. If we do not reward his performance, he will no longer want to participate in the training because he will not receive a reward for it.

  1. Ignoring bad behavior

In particular, first-time dog owners taking on this role often ignore their dog’s bad behavior for fear of making the mistake of making them feel bad.

But a dog needs discipline, although of course that doesn’t mean you should yell at him or punish him physically.

However, you need to teach your dog what to do and what not to do. Be strict but at the same time loving. The expression on your face should tell him what you want to teach him. This is how he learns when behavior is incorrect.

  1. Don’t be consistent

If you want to teach him a command, it won’t work the first time. Don’t let this dull you and still keep exercising. Otherwise, your dog’s behavior may deteriorate and he will not learn commands.

It is also important that every family member uses the same commands so that the dog knows what to do!

  1. Not to understand him

You can train your dog better if you know what he is trying to express.  You can learn to understand his body language. We have already published various articles about this. 

It’s difficult to know what dogs are feeling in any moment if you don’t understand their body language. But if you are interested in it and  watch your furry friend, you will quickly see whether he is nervous, restless or happy. You then also know when the best time is for training and when your dog needs rest.

  1. It is a mistake to humanize him

Dog eats ice cream

One of the biggest mistakes in raising dogs is humanizing them, that is, treating them as a person. This is not only a hindrance to exercise, but also a form of abuse. In doing so, you deny your dog to have his own personality.

Your dog is not a small child, but an animal. Treat him accordingly, but always with love and respect.

  1. Forget that he needs exercise

Exercise not only helps our dog to be physically healthy, it also supports his or her mental health.

A balanced and healthy dog ​​is one who learns easily. Find out how much exercise your dog needs and give him his daily dose to help you meet your goals.

As you can see, dog training is easier when you know what things to avoid. Put our tips into practice and you will see how easy it is to train your dog.

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