How Can I Remove Dust Mites From Dog Ears?

Mites are microscopic parasites that attach themselves to dogs’ ears and cause infections there.
How can I remove mites in dog ears?

If your furry friend scratches his ears or shakes his head frequently, this could indicate a problem. Mites in dog ears are more common than you might think, but not all owners are aware of this and recognize the parasites.

In our article we will inform you about the nuisances and how to get rid of them.

How do mites get in dog ears?

Mites are microscopic parasites that can cause infections in various parts of the body, such as the ears. The two species that affect dogs are called Demodex canis and Otodectes cynotis , and they then trigger what is known as mange or scabies.

All dogs, regardless of their size, breed or age, can become infected through contact. Even the mother animal can inadvertently pass the parasites on to her puppies.

If this happens , the mites lay their eggs in the ears of the fur noses. Four days later the larvae hatch and feed on the earwax and soon afterwards the mating season of the nymphs begins.

Symptoms for mites in dog ears

The main problem mites bring in dog ears is that they multiply very quickly. A colony can double in just a week. It doesn’t take long before they cause an infection and bad odor.

What are the symptoms of mites in dog ears?

Aside from the tiny white spots, mites in a dog’s ears produce other symptoms as well. You should therefore check your ears regularly and look out for the following signs so that they can be treated by the veterinarian straight away:

  • Intense itching
  • Shaking your head and jerking your head
  • Redness or crusting of the ears
  • Constant scratching
  • Bad smell
  • Dark yellow or brownish discharge
  • Bleeding caused by rupture of blood vessels
  • General malaise and restlessness
  • The inside of the ear has dark or white spots

How do you get rid of the mites in the dog’s ears?


It is important to avoid infection. Therefore, you should regularly clean the ears of your four-legged friend with a cotton ball that you dunk in alcohol beforehand. If you bathe your fur nose at home, use a shampoo that kills mites.

At the same time, it is also advisable to keep blankets, baskets, huts, pillows, toys and other accessories clean and to clean them regularly.

The defenses of the animal should also be strong so that the dog’s organism can defend itself against mite infestation. You can achieve this through optimal nutrition.

In addition, the animal has to go to the vet for a preventive check-up once or twice a year. There it is also examined for mite infestation.

Always have your four-legged friend vaccinated on time and treated against parasites and worms.

Check dog ears often

Veterinary diagnosis and healing

To diagnose mites in a dog’s ears, veterinarians first examine the dog’s ear and then take a sample of the ear wax. They then examine them under a microscope to see if there are any white spots that are moving.

The vet will then prescribe the appropriate medication to get rid of the mites in dog’s ears. This can be purchased either directly from the veterinarian or from specialist pet shops.

Some dog owners also opt for home remedies, such as:

  • Oil with garlic
  • Warm aloe gel
  • probiotic organic yogurt
  • Almond oil with vitamin E.
  • Apple cider vinegar diluted with water
  • Compresses with warm water

These home remedies do not harm the animal, you apply them to the affected area and let them work there for a few minutes. You have to remove the yoghurt afterwards. The others can be left to dry out there until the skin absorbs them.

You should also know that although mites can also infect humans, it is very unlikely that they will migrate to the human ear.

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