How You Can Tell From The Chair Whether Your Dog Is Healthy

You can learn a lot about your dog’s health by watching his stool. So don’t miss the chance to check that everything is fine with your dog while you are collecting his piles.
How you can tell from the chair whether your dog is healthy

Picking up your dog’s piles is really not the nicest of all tasks. Other than being a hygiene issue, it is something you should be doing on a daily basis as a responsible member of your community. But this unpleasant topic is also of great use. If you watch your dog’s stool, you will know if your dog is healthy. 

We’ll tell you more about this matter in the following article.

What can the chair tell you about your dog

Check your dog's stool

The chair of all living things is a great source of information. From the feces we can learn a lot about the health and nutrition of the creature.  So, since your dog is also a living being, so is him.

If you love your furry friend, then examine her chair while you pick it up. So you can be reassured, because you know that everything is fine. Either that, or you know immediately if something is wrong and you can take your dog to the vet without further delay.

If there is a problem, changing your diet can most likely fix it. But if something more serious is the cause, you can act immediately and seek professional help. This often significantly increases the chances of the animal recovering.

Check your dog’s stool to see if he is healthy

So be aware that your dog’s poop can tell you a lot about their stomach and intestinal health. He will also show you whether the quality of his diet is sufficient.

We assume that proper nutrition prevents gastrointestinal problems.  Due to a high quality feed, the bowel movement has the following characteristics:

  • Small
  • Not too often
  • Good consistency (not too soft, but not too hard either)
  • little smelling

This is a sign that the animal is properly consuming all of the nutrients in its feed. If the droppings are soft and smelly, then you can almost certainly assume that the feed is poor. Your four-paw friend may also have a food allergy.

Other things to consider when checking your fur nose’s droppings

Digestion and stool

More information your dog’s stool can tell you about their health:

  • There should be no blood or mucus.
  • The droppings should be an even color. If the stool is very light, it could be because there aren’t enough digestive enzymes. If the dog has eaten a lot of red meat, then the stool will turn darker in color from the hemoglobin.
  • The excrement shouldn’t contain any strange debris (bones, plastic, wood, cloth, and so on). If you find this in the stool, you should make sure that your dog does not eat any objects in the future. They can cause suffocation and various digestive problems.

Some tips to help protect your dog’s digestive health

In short, if you want a strong and healthy dog, start by feeding it properly. Check their poop to let you know that everything is fine. Also, think this:

  • The vet should inform you about the appropriate food for each stage of your dog’s life.  He also knows what portion he needs every day.
  • If you do decide to offer them homemade food instead of food,  then first check with a dog nutrition expert. He can explain how to meet all of your dog’s nutritional needs.
  • Don’t give your dog food that has been prepared for humans.  Aside from the fact that some of the ingredients can be toxic to your dog, it is very unlikely that this “nutrition plan” will actually give him the nutrients he needs.
  • You should check that your dog is not eating anything that is high in lactose or carbohydrates. These ingredients often cause diarrhea.

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