Tips For Taking Good Dog Photos

Are you desperately trying to get the perfect photo of your dog? Here’s how to take good dog photos. Don’t miss it!
Tips for taking good dog photos

You may have taught your pet a few “tricks” about getting a ball or shaking a paw, but you can’t get them to hold still for a photo to post what they’re doing on social media. Therefore, in this article, you will learn how to take good dog photos. Don’t miss it!

Tips for taking good dog photos

You love your dog and you want to photograph him all the time; when he goes to the park, when he makes a “new friend” or when he goes on vacation with you. But the pictures don’t always turn out the way you want them to. You want everyone to be as artistic as the one on Pinterest!

And it seems that your best friend is determined to ruin the photo shoot: he doesn’t hold still, he pokes his nose in the camera or on the phone, he doesn’t pose if you want, etc.

To avoid all of these typical problems (remember, it’s an animal), here are some tips. You can take good dog photos if:

1. You give him a reward

A biscuit, a ball, a toy … you know best what your dog likes best. It works great for your dog to look at the camera and even stay still in front of her. If you have a helper, he can show him the appropriate item.

2. You make certain noises

The goal is to get your four-legged friend to pay attention to you, and that’s why there are some owners who make certain noises that do not disturb them, but change their position. For example, hitting an object, moving a toy with music, etc.

Good dog photos: selfie on the beach

3. You are looking for the best perspective

One of the most common mistakes is photographing pets from the human point of view while standing. But you should know that they see the world differently from something below.

To make your photos more professional, don’t ask your dog to “look at you”, but get down on the ground and move towards him from his perspective. Try it!

4. You use natural light

Another trick to getting good dog photos has to do with lighting. Without knowing much about photography, it’s easier to go to the park or garden than to stay at home.

Or, if you choose to take the pictures at home, open the curtains as much as you can and do it on a sunny day; best in the morning or early afternoon.

Using the camera’s flash is not recommended as it is bad for the eyes and also quite annoying. The next time you want to take a picture, he might remember the bad moment when the white light almost blinded him. And the flash creates red eyes in the photo!

5. You choose a decoration

You can use a blanket to contrast your dog’s fur, put him on the sofa, choose a white wall as a background, wait for him to lay down in front of certain flowers … The idea is that the background is solid so that the photo is more professional will.

6. You take his preferences into account

You surely know what your dog likes and what he hates or doesn’t particularly like. Use their preferences and habits to get better photos.

For example, if he likes water (like the Golden Retriever) or loves to sleep all day (like the Saint Bernard), the most authentic photos will be when he’s having fun in a pond or pool.

Good dog photos in the garden

Wait for the ideal moment to photograph him: when someone comes home he likes while waiting for his meal, during the morning walk, when you bathe him or when he plays with his favorite ball.

7. You don’t force the situation

Remember that when you stand facing him with something in hand, the animal will not understand why it should remain still or make a certain movement.

He doesn’t know what a camera is! Therefore , it is always better to catch him off guard, not force him to pose, or wait for him to fall asleep, or to look quietly out the window.

You can also use the moments of joy and play (when he’s distracted), either alone or with other pets, to get a really random, good dog photo, not a posed one.

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