Skin Contact With A Jellyfish: What To Do?

In this article we explain what you can do in this case. Read on to be prepared for your next beach vacation! 
Skin contact with a jellyfish: what to do?

The jellyfish  in the dark aquarium illuminated with light creates a wonderful picture. But if you have skin contact with a jellyfish  while swimming  , you will remember the unpleasant pain for a long time.

In this article we explain what you can do in this case. Read on to be prepared for your next beach vacation! 

Properties of the jellyfish

The jellyfish can be recognized immediately by its veil-like umbrella and the many tentacles. It moves very quickly by filling itself with water and then expelling it again in a flash. 

Some species of jellyfish even light up to defend themselves against enemies! 

Poisonous jellyfish

The tentacles of this animal are equipped with nettle cells.  They use it to catch their prey or to defend themselves from their natural enemies.

There are nettle capsules on the nettle cells. Upon contact, these can burst and release poison. The toxicity depends not only on the species of jellyfish, but also on the species attacked.

How can you avoid discomfort from contact with jellyfish?

It is best to stay away from vulnerable areas. Even if a jellyfish is lying on the beach, you should neither disturb nor touch it. The poison can work for several days after death.

Beware of a jellyfish

Keep the following tips in mind to prevent jellyfish injuries:

1. Pay attention to the environment

The coast guard and local residents can safely inform you if there is any danger.  They know which beaches to watch out for and can give you information.

Do not go into the water when the wind is very strong, as this will wash the jellyfish very close to the coast.

2. Recognize warning signs

Vulnerable beaches usually have warning signs to discourage beachgoers from getting into the water while there is danger.

Some beaches are always dangerous, while others only have intermittent warnings when large numbers of this marine animal are discovered.

3. Protect your body

When taking a walk on the beach, always wear shoes.  Because this way you can avoid stepping barefoot on a dead or dying jellyfish that the water has washed ashore.

At the same time, you can prevent injuries from seashells or other sharp objects on the beach.

If you plan to swim or surf, it is best to wear a wetsuit to cover most of your body. This can help prevent skin contact with jellyfish and other hazards.

4. Do not touch the jellyfish with your hand

Be very careful as this animal is often mistaken for a plastic bag thrown in the sand. Make sure it’s not trash before accessing it.

If it is actually a jellyfish, you can notify the coast guard. She can remove the jellyfish or bring it back into the sea.

5. Drive them away

A good technique to prevent jellyfish from approaching when you are in the water is to drag your feet through the sand. The animal will then disappear as quickly as possible.

If you see a jellyfish in the water, it is best to step out of the water slowly and calmly to  avoid frightening it and preventing skin contact. 

Report the incident to the Coast Guard.

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