Preventing Motion Sickness In Dogs

Before you get into the car with the whole family to go on vacation, you should take all necessary measures to prevent your dog from getting sick while on the move! 
Preventing motion sickness in dogs

For many, the travel time is getting closer with the summer. If you have planned a trip with your dog, however, you should take the right measures to prevent canine motion sickness so that the vacation trip is not ruined.

In today’s post you will find various tips against  motion sickness  in dogs. With this you can prevent your fur nose from getting sick while driving!

Why do some dogs suffer from motion sickness?

Nausea while driving is more common in puppies and young dogs than in older animals. This is due to the fact that the sense of balance is not yet fully developed.

But not only young dogs can get bad on a road trip. When older four-legged friends suffer from motion sickness, it can be triggered by fear and nervousness. Perhaps they have already had unpleasant experiences or, for example, remember the trip to the vet.

You therefore need patience to get your furry friend used to car journeys  that should be associated with pleasant experiences, for example a walk in the park or a fun place.

Signs of motion sickness in dogs

Motion sickness in dogs

The following signs can indicate nausea in dogs:

  • Restlessness
  • inconvenience
  • Hyperventilation
  • Hackle
  • Crying or whining
  • Tremble
  • Drooling
  • yawning
  • inaction
  • Nausea
  • diarrhea

Tips to prevent dog nausea while driving

So that the road trip doesn’t turn into a nightmare,  you can follow the following tips to prevent motion sickness in your furry friend: 

  • Try to get the dog used to driving from the start.
  • He can “make friends” with the car when it is at a standstill. You then slowly drive short distances with him,  which you can then gradually lengthen.
  • The first few trips in the car should be to places that are fun for your four-legged friend  so that he can build positive associations:  a park, the beach, etc. You should reward his positive behavior with pats, words and dog biscuits.
  • Drive slowly and avoid abrupt movements. 

If, despite all caution, the dog becomes sick, you can seek advice from the vet. A sedative may help. There are pheromones that keep your four-legged friend calm on a journey. Get help from your vet so that you can use the correct remedy.

What else should you watch out for when driving with a dog?

When everyone and everything is ready to go on vacation, here are some tips to keep in mind while driving:

Motion sickness in dogs

  • Take your furry friend for a long walk before leaving  so that he has time to do his business. It will also make him tired and will be more relaxed on the trip.
  • It is best for the dog not to eat anything for a few hours before the trip  to avoid vomiting.
  • Make sure that  the car is pleasantly fresh and has adequate ventilation. Don’t forget that dogs get hot quickly.
  • Keep standing so that the dog has some exercise  and can drink something or empty its bowels if desired.
  • Take a few favorite toys for your four-legged friend so that they can talk  and not show fear or nervousness.
  • Show yourself relaxed and transfer your own calm to the dog. Don’t scold him if he’s nervous or scared.

Don’t forget to observe the safety regulations for dogs in the car!

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