I Never Wanted A Pet Until You Showed Up

How a little ball of fur changed my life
I never wanted a pet until you showed up

I’ve always had a stressful life … or at least I believed it was. Even though I was alone, I never thought about getting a pet. Many have advised me, others even tried to give me one, but I didn’t want to. After all, I didn’t have the time, a pet is a lot of work and I didn’t want that … and then you came.

And everything has changed …

The day you came into my life

It all started on a normal day, a day like any other. I got up in a hurry to get to work. Yes, I’m always in a hurry in the morning. However, when I got to the parking lot to get into my car, I tripped over something. It was a little box that spoke to me. By speaking, I mean that I heard a small noise when I accidentally bumped into it.

Pet behind bars

I wanted to know who made the noise and then you were there. At first I wasn’t even sure what kind of animal you are because your white, shiny fur covered your face and your entire body. It wasn’t long before you turned your curious eyes on me to see who your savior was.

I want to be honest with you, I never told you, but

I fell in love with your eyes instantly. I didn’t hesitate for a second to take you home.

While we were together in the elevator, I had to think again and again about which person could be able to just leave a small and defenseless creature to itself without water and food.

Every time I am more convinced that fate has brought us together …

Living together with my pet

I didn’t want to go to work that day, I just couldn’t take my eyes off you, but I had to go. I left you at home and couldn’t think of anything else all day. After work I wanted to get you a few things straight away, but I decided to do it with you and find a good vet to get you vaccinated right away.

Yeah right! I always said I didn’t want a dog … until you showed up.

I still clearly remember your first day at home. To be honest, you weren’t well on your way to becoming my new roommate. You peed everywhere, ate my shoes and the neighbors complained about your whining. Even though I’m actually a perfectionist, all of this made me laugh instead of angry.

Our coexistence was not easy, I admit that, but gradually I learned to be more willing to compromise and less fanatical and you learned where your place is and what you should respect.

To see you grow, to have someone to “talk to” when I get home, to have someone to play with and someone to go out with: You changed my life. You showed up and turned my world upside down. Today I can no longer imagine my life without you. My friends couldn’t believe I had a dog when they came to see me.

And after that, you and I made fun of their faces, their facial expressions when they first saw you and realized that you were a real pet.

Thank you for changing my life

domestic animal

To this day, I still get angry when people think we can’t learn anything from animals. If only they knew how much you’ve changed my life! If only I could explain it to you!

Today I’m a different person because you taught me so much. Since you’ve been here, I’ve learned to share, to be generous and not just think about myself, love and be loved, take responsibility and many other things.

For that and for all the happiness you gave me, I wanted to say thank you today. Because since you showed up, my life, my home and myself have changed.

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