Bradley, The Teenager Who Saved A Dog From Hanging On Its Own Leash

A UK teenager became a local hero when he rescued a dog from hanging on its own leash. The deed motivates us to write about how we can take better care of our pets so that they do not suffer accidents.
Bradley, the teenager who saved a dog from hanging on its own leash

The quick act of a thirteen-year-old teenager saved a dog from dying strangled on its own leash. This story happened in England, and while the media celebrates the teenager as a hero, it still gives us cause to tell you about the care you should take to ensure that your furry nose does not suffer the same fate.

Learn about the teenager who saved a dog from hanging

Bradley North lives in Prestwich, Manchester. One day, on the way home from school, he suddenly saw a large dog jump out of the window of a truck with a broken pane.

The animal was unlucky: it got stuck on its leash and would have suffocated there if the brave teenager had n’t intervened.  He spread it from its collar and looked after it until its owner returned 15 minutes later. He was more than grateful to the young hero.

The praiseworthy action of the teenager was photographed by a passerby who was picking up his little daughter from school.  So the story got into the social networks and was picked up there by various journalistic media.

Boo, the dog Bradley rescued, is now safe

The teenager later stated that when an animal was at risk of death, he was only doing what anyone would have done.  He added that he kept dogs himself and hoped that someone would help his pets too if they were in a dangerous situation.

The boy’s father, Kevin North, took pride in the behavior of his son, who is an active Boy Scout, and called him “my little hero.”

The dog the teenager helped is called Boo and is a Bordeaux Mastiff. He is now safe. The message invites us to write about the safety precautions we should take  so that our pets do not suffer unexpected accidents in everyday situations.

What should you watch out for to avoid accidents with dogs?

A few days ago we read on the news how a man rescued a dog whose leash got caught in the elevator. Unfortunately, even if they seem like isolated incidents, this type of accident happens very often.

Because of this, you should be extremely careful when you go out with your dog. Don’t leave him alone, tied up in the street, or in your car.  Not only can the animal be stolen, but it can also find a way to break free and get lost or run over as a result.

Bradley the teenager saves Boo

However, there are also many people who, despite the many warnings about the topic, keep their dogs locked in their cars in hot weather. In these cases, there is a very high probability that the animals will die of heat stroke.

It can also happen that for various reasons – fear, stress, etc. – the animal is desperately trying to get out of the car and thus tangled in its own leash. This can lead to death by suffocation.

Be a responsible dog owner

So always be careful when you go out with your dog. Perhaps not all dogs at risk are lucky enough to run into a teenager like Bradley who is quick and confident.

Keeping your dog on a leash in public places is not only your responsibility, but the best way to keep the situation under control.  This means that the animal cannot run away, be run over, or try to quarrel with other dogs. That being said, you will avoid some passers-by feeling threatened by the presence of a dog running freely.

Discuss with your vet what type of leash is best so that your four-legged friend can enjoy walking despite the leash. Again, don’t leave your dog alone to avoid accidents that may have to do with the leash.

Image source: Facebook by Prestwich People

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