Laser Therapy For Pets: Everything You Need To Know

Laser therapy is used in pets as an alternative therapy or as a supplement to traditional treatments. You can find out more about it in today’s article!
Laser Therapy For Pets: Everything You Need To Know

Laser therapy has also been used increasingly in veterinary clinics in recent years. This form of therapy is used to treat various aches and pains, especially in dogs and cats.

There is more and more information about the various benefits of laser therapy as a complementary treatment. But not everything is true. This is because a large part of the knowledge comes from experience.

From a scientific point of view, there is currently very little current literature on the subject in the veterinary field. The information available is more than ten years old. Today’s knowledge about laser therapy comes from studies that were carried out in laboratories or with humans – and this from a practically subjective point of view.

Given the lack of observation and objective studies based on scientific evidence, the real value of laser therapy in pets is as yet unknown. Nevertheless , in today’s article we want to show you the different areas of application and effects of this treatment.

What Exactly Is Laser Therapy For Pets?

The word laser is an acronym for the English terms l ight  a mplification by  s timulated  e mission of  r adiation

(in German:

Light amplification through stimulated emission of radiation). This concentrated light can be absorbed by various tissues in the organism. In this way, different photothermal and photochemical reactions arise, which can have a therapeutic effect.

In rehabilitation laser treatment, specialists use a low-intensity laser. This differs from high-power surgical lasers, which are used to destroy tissue and cells in a controlled manner.

At the moment , experts are not yet aware of the precise interaction between tissues and lasers. As mentioned earlier, this is due to the lack of scientific research on this.

Laser therapy - dog

Conditions for which laser therapy could be helpful

To understand why this treatment is only used for certain conditions, you first need to know how laser therapy affects the body.

From a biological point of view, the animal’s tissue absorbs the photons that the laser emits. This then leads to an increase in adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, an essential molecule in generating cellular energy. This production of ATP changes the cell metabolism and can also act as a neurotransmitter. That’s why:

  • laser therapy can help relieve pain.
  • It also accelerates cell growth and tissue regeneration.
  • Apparently it also stimulates the production of stem cells.
  • In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Laser therapy to improve osteoarthritis

Joint disease is one of the most common chronic diseases in dogs and cats. Animals suffering from inflammation and pain usually have difficulty moving. In these cases, treatment with chondroprotective agents and special diets for weight loss are usually carried out. However, laser therapy also seems to alleviate the symptoms.

Although the laser significantly reduced edema around the joints and pain in studies in laboratory rats, no improvements were seen in studies in humans.

Tendon and ligament injuries

Laser therapy is very often used for people with problems or damage to ligaments and tendons. However, only 50% of patients experience an improvement. If animals have the same chance of success as humans, this is reason enough to try laser therapy on them too.

Treatment of pain and inflammation

Although experts don’t know exactly why or how it works, there is evidence that laser therapy can help relieve pain in pets. Apparently, the laser reduces the sensation of pain by interacting with the pain receptors. Laser therapy could also affect the neurons that control vasoconstriction and thus alleviate inflammatory processes.

Laser therapy - Cocker Spaniel and cat at the vet

When do veterinarians recommend laser therapy for pets?

Veterinarians can recommend laser therapy in almost every case. However, it is usually used in cases where normal treatment is not an option or does not work:

  • Animals with liver problems who are not allowed to take certain medicines.
  • Cats who cannot tolerate or take pain relieving medication.
  • Exotic animals that cannot take medication due to their low body weight .
  • In addition, it is also suitable for older pets who have multiple medical conditions.
  • Laser therapy can also be helpful for animals with rare diseases.

    Although laser therapy is a very safe treatment, it must be done by a specialist. Therefore, you should see a veterinarian who specializes in these alternative forms of therapy. He will decide on the course of treatment and determine the appropriate number of sessions for the respective case.

    Despite the lack of scientific evidence , in certain situations it is not a bad idea to consider laser treatment as a treatment option.

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