Find Out Why The Dog Is Man’s Best Friend

The dog is actually people’s best friend – of all people. In this article, we’ll tell you how they can detect diseases even through their sense of smell.
Find out why the dog is man's best friend

“The dog is man ‘s best friend ” is a saying that is known around the world. Some new studies have found out why it is true. Living with a dog has several advantages. We describe here some of the benefits and results of the new studies.

The dog is actually people’s best friend – of all people.

Why you should share life with a dog

The best friend at home

Man’s best friend brings us many benefits for our mental and physical health. It has even been proven that children growing up with dogs are happier and less at risk of disease.

But regardless of whether they are children, women or men, these are some of the advantages of sharing life with a dog:

  • The best friend alleviates loneliness. For people who live alone, a dog is the best solution. You will never come back to an empty apartment, someone will always greet you in a good mood with a smile who is longingly waiting for his caresses.
  • A dog prevents disease.  Dogs take to the streets and are therefore exposed to bacteria and germs that they transmit to us in small quantities. We will be vaccinated and immune to them. Keeping a dog can relieve asthma. Since our best friend also wants to go for a walk, we can even prevent heart disease through the regular exercise that walking the dog gives us.
  • Having a dog improves our physical health.  Keeping a dog also means responsibility, which is why we become more active. A regular fitness program that our best friend can also participate in helps us to be healthy externally and internally.
  • Having a dog reduces stress.  The presence of an animal has been proven to relieve stress, just as a well-known food brand showed us.

We could go on and on about the benefits of a dog, but let’s get a little more specific now.

The dog is man or man’s best friend

The following study was carried out in collaboration with various health and research institutes: The Madocan Dog Education Club and Mr. Dogs Association for Therapy and Service Dogs helped the Urology Department of the Santa Lucia Hospital in Cartagena and the Health Department II of the Servicio Murciano.

In these studies, it was found that dogs are the best at detecting prostate cancer. This is a fairly common type of cancer that affects only men  and that can result in death. How does man’s best friend do it?

Through his sense of smell. We all know that the dog has a very complex sense of smell, but this animal is actually able to store smells in its memory and to remember them even after several years.

In this case, several dogs were trained to recognize the desired smell. They were shown urine samples from different people. This included healthy participants and sick participants in the study. The dogs confirmed the diagnosis in 87% of the cases.

The best friend for a walk

If your best friend can sniff out prostate cancer in time, it will be a great scientific advance in the fight against the disease that causes so much suffering.

The operators of the study promise to continue working so that they can provide us with more precise results and statistics.  They want to train different groups of dogs for different diseases, be it cancer or other. This allows you to save lives more efficiently.

This is by no means the first study of its kind. There have been several studies showing that dogs can smell cancer, but this study received the highest success rate.

You have been told many times that the dog is man’s best friend, but did you already know that it could save your life?

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