Insomnia In Dogs

If you think your four-legged roommate is not getting enough sleep, there are steps you can take to help them fall asleep. It would be good to get him used to a routine, keep him at a reasonable temperature, and if really necessary, the vet can also prescribe you sleeping pills.
Insomnia in dogs

Not only do humans suffer from this problem, there is also insomnia in dogs. This problem shouldn’t be too worrying for your pet initially.

However, one should watch the animal carefully. If the problem persists or becomes very severe, it is advisable to see the veterinarian.

Animals are very sensitive to changes. New people in the household or the absence of a caregiver can throw them off balance.

You have to give them time and treat them with a lot of calm and affection so that they quickly get used to the new situation.

It is possible that insomnia in dogs is  caused by stress. Animals respond to a negative experience with symptoms of stress. Dog insomnia usually occurs after two or three days.

Some Advice That May Help With Dog Insomnia

Routine and habits

The routine of our fur noses is important. They often spend the whole day alone in an apartment. In this situation they are bored and sleep through the day.

When the caregiver returns home, the dog is happy, wakes up and doesn’t want to sleep again, but is only interested in the game. In this case, dog insomnia is related to their lifestyle.

Dog sleeps next to alarm clock

This problem can be solved by changing the routine. You can take your dog to a dog sitter to keep them busy and active throughout the day. Pets and especially dogs need exercise.

This exercise should take place well outside of sleep times. Then when it is time to go into the basket, the dog is tired and calm. This is how insomnia goes away quickly in dogs.

The room temperature

In winter and midsummer, insomnia can be more common in dogs. Many animals are very sensitive to the weather. If this is the case with your furry friend, then you should regulate the room temperature.

In winter, a warm blanket in which the animal can snuggle up is a good ally. An electric blanket used with caution can be ideal. If the heat in summer is too great, a fan or air conditioning can provide cooling.

Puppy is sleeping covered

Puppies in particular are affected by temperature. You just have to feel the body heat of your caregiver to fall asleep.

You can also wrap a hot water bottle in a towel and gently place the puppy on it. The warmth helps him fall asleep.

Habits That Avoid Insomnia in Dogs

To prevent or cure insomnia in dogs, it is important to create habits that will allow the animal to fall asleep. What do I have to take to care of?

  • Dogs need to get used to doing their business an hour before bedtime.
  • It should be fed at least two hours before bedtime. So he doesn’t feel heavy after eating. He has digested his food and it is easier for him to fall asleep.
  • The animal must also drink enough so that it does not get thirsty at night.
  • We should create a calm and level-headed ambience in the home in which it is easy for the animal to rest. There are animals that get nervous from silence. You can put calm music on them. It also helps the animal to know the rhythmic ticking of a clock nearby.

Is your dog’s insomnia chronic?

If all of these habits and measures against insomnia in dogs haven’t worked, then it may be a medical problem. There are also diseases that cause insomnia.

  • The pain of the onset of osteoarthritis can lead to insomnia. In this case, the vet is in charge of prescribing the appropriate medication for the animal.
  • Age must also be taken into account. As with humans, older dogs need less sleep. Generally speaking, older dogs have more trouble falling asleep and sleep less.
  • You can always resort to medication after consultation with the veterinarian. There are sleeping pills for pets. The specialist will inform you about it.

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