Friendships Of Different Animal Species

It is not only interesting that very different species of animals, which actually seem made to get along badly, form friendships. There are even cases where the animals have chosen to live together of their own free will while others have been forced to live under one roof.
Friendships of different animal species

Animals are not just our friends. They are sensitive beings who can get along with other species. It doesn’t depend on breed or species. Throughout history, friendships between different animal species have been reported again and again .

So today we want to tell you about some of the most surprising friendships among different animal species .

Friendships of different animal species

There are always rumors about the proverbial enmity between dog and cat, or cat and mouse. But that doesn’t always have to be true.

Animals living under the same roof have often proven to be great friends and allies, but they can also be great friends and allies in the wild.

Some animals love their solitude and they prefer not to belong to any group. Others, however, are particularly socially minded and they can even make friends with other species.

This is not a survival tactic, because friendship is so different from the fact that none of the animals receive any benefit other than society.

Dogs are tame and friendly creatures who can be friends with almost any other animal. However, there are many other animal species in our list today , some of which are sure to surprise you.

Gerald and Eddie

Gerald is a giraffe and Eddie is a goat. The giraffe was alone in her enclosure at the Bristol Zoo and the keepers thought she needed company. So Eddie found himself.

The keepers decided to house the two of them together. For some reason, they thought the two would get along well.

Ziege und Giraffe
Image source:

“The two formed their friendship from day one,” assured a nurse in an interview. Since then, they have been together every day for several years, which resulted in an amazing friendship between different species of animals.

They hunt each other playfully, sharing their food and when a zebra misbehaved towards Eddie, Gerald shooed it away.

Moses and Cassie

In 1999 a couple noticed that something strange was happening on their street. A street cat named Cassie was friends with a crow, Moses. They watched the two animals for a while and found that Moses was watching Cassie.

Moses not only offered his company, but fed Cassie, helped him hunt, and even protected him.

Nowadays we know that crows are very intelligent, but back then it was a great surprise to see that a bird can be so sensitive.

Moses and Cassie spent nearly five years together.

Daisy and Frank

Daisy’s people lived in Washington and wanted to add a pond to their garden. In the pond they put various fish, including a Koi carp that they called Frank.

The couple’s dogs didn’t pay much attention to the fish. Only Daisy noticed her.

Fum and Gebra

Fum is a black cat who is very friendly towards people. Gebra das Owl is very suspicious of people and other beings.

Both live in Catalonia and when Gebra goes on her falconry hunting trips every day, she accompanies Fum. This unique tomcat is the only friend the screech owl has accepted so far.

Eule und Katze
Image source:

However, the friendship between the two is not exclusive. Sometimes Fum also prefers to go hunting during the day and meets with Gebra in the evening.

If they choose to spend the day together, they can be seen hunting, playing, and climbing.

The friendships of different species are special and each one has its own set of circumstances. Moises and Cassie decided to live together, while Gerald and Eddie had no other choice.

However, the people who tell us about these cases all agree on one thing:

Animals are capable of making friends in spite of all apparent differences. Size, color, habitat and also diet are not decisive here.

They live their friendships for years and live in harmonious company and mutual understanding. 

We humans should learn from them and resolve our conflicts in order to do the same.

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