The Woman Who Saves Bats

Megan Church has been saving bats in Australia for almost 10 years. Your goal is to bring the animals back to nature safely and healthy.
The woman who saves bats

Fortunately, there are always people who are aware of animal suffering. They selflessly invest their time and resources in helping those who need it most. Such is the case of the woman who rescues bats and has already managed to help hundreds of them.

The woman who saves bats

Because of our heavily populated environment , many animals often get into trouble.  They can be hit by cars, their habitat is often destroyed or changed and they suffer from the consequences.

These problems affect many different animals: birds, foxes, wild cats … bats are no exception.

Fortunately , they can count on the experience and affection of a woman who is dedicated to taking care of them and healing them until they can return to their natural habitat.

Megan Church has been saving bats in Australia for almost 10 years. After a serious autoimmune disease, thanks to the bats, she found the strength to feel better. Like many other rescuers, she began caring for orphaned offspring.

Fledermäuse retten

But word soon spread that she knows how to care for these flying mammals. So she became the woman who saves bats, in the broadest sense of the word.

If someone finds a bat in trouble, it comes and helps the animal.

During those years of doing her so generous work , she found bats in every imaginable place: tangled in tree branches, trapped in chimneys of houses … The animals most often get caught in fences and barbed wires.

Megan also takes care of orphaned newborns: she gives them the bottle, cleans and protects them like her mother would.

Surprisingly, baby bats calm down when they have something to bite and hug. That’s why she makes pacifiers for them and covers them with plush toys.

The importance of bats in their habitat

The woman who saves bats lives in Australia, in a city near Sydney. In this area, most of the bat species belong to the gray-headed fruit bat family, one of the largest in existence.

Rescue and release bats

Despite their reputation  , this type of food feeds on  fruits and flower nectar. Their diet is very varied and therefore plays a major role in the spread of seeds and the pollination of plants.

They can travel long distances from their nests to these places to find food. It is the frugivorous mammal that travels the greatest distances, which is why it is essential to the health of tropical forests.

A future for the bats

The woman who saves bats has set herself the goal of bringing the rescued animals back into nature safely  and healthy.

This under the optimal conditions under which they can survive and regain their freedom in freedom. Therefore, all the animals in your house are only there temporarily.

Every rescue operation is over when the animal can return to nature. Some need more care than others. Many are just tired or confused, while others have been injured and need to be watched for several weeks.

Megan Church has a Youtube channel, Megabattie, where she documents (in English) her rescue operations and successes.

You can watch videos of how she finds the animals, how she bottle-feeds babies  and then how she brings them back into nature.

How can you help save animals?

All animal species need people who are committed to their well-being. Not everyone lives in an environment in which one can help such exotic animals. But we can all help beings in need.

If you have the time and experience, you can volunteer as an animal rights activist. For example, you can help cats and dogs. There are foster homes for farm animals, there are also organizations that only specialize in rodents …

If your free time is limited, there are many other ways to help rescuers: provide them with supplies, donate money, help them raise money … Sometimes they just need a driver to take the animals to the vets.

However, as Megabattie mentions after every video,  there are animals that require specific knowledge in order to be “touched”.

There are bats that could be dangerous. Even street cats can spread disease. If you want to save animals, you have to protect yourself first.

The woman who rescues bats has been helping these tiny flying mammals for almost a decade. However, she is not the only one devoted to saving lives. Organizations and individuals around the world advocate for animals in need of their help.

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