Endangered Tortoises

The turtle is a reptile that has been on Earth for over 200 million years. There are two types: turtles and tortoises. Next, we’re going to take a closer look at the reasons and causes of the critically endangered tortoises.
Endangered turtles

The turtle is a reptile that has been on Earth for over 200 million years. There are two types: turtles and tortoises. Unfortunately, there are many endangered turtles around these days .

The destruction of their habitat and the carelessness of the people have brought them to the brink of extinction. Next, we’re going to take a closer look at the reasons and causes of the critically endangered tortoises.

Endangerment: Endangered turtles

The turtle is an endangered species around the world. Whether due to habitat degradation, the presence of predators, or what is usually the main cause: human behavior and, in some cases, the use of animals as toys and trophies.

Endangerment: Endangered turtles

Their trade is banned in many countries. In Germany turtles are under strict protection, but nevertheless the only species that occur, namely the European pond turtle, is very rare here and threatened with extinction.


Turtles and tortoises  belong to the class of reptiles, their size depends on the breed. They live an average of 70 years, but there are tortoises that can live up to 100 years.

Land and water turtles

The land turtles have different characteristics than water turtles.

The tortoises live longer, their legs are more developed and they have a harder shell. The turtles, on the other hand, are webbed and their shell is smooth.

Both species are critically endangered.

Endangered tortoises

The Moorish tortoise is the most threatened species on the Iberian Peninsula. It occurs mainly south of Murcia, north of Almeria, in Huelva (Doñana National Park) and in Mallorca.

The causes of the threat are the forest fires, the expansion of agriculture and uncontrolled urban planning. These circumstances deteriorate their natural habitat and the result is their disappearance.

Endangered turtles

Six of the seven main species of turtles that live in the oceans are critically endangered. Your situation is very critical!

Which species are threatened?

Hawksbill sea turtle

It is very popular because of its armor. It is used to make souvenirs, jewelry and other products.

Legal trade was banned in 1994. Even so , they continue to be captured and sold in places like the British Isles, Cayman Islands, and the Dominican Republic.

Their meat is also considered a delicacy in many countries.

Caribbean ridged turtle

It is the smallest of the species. Its threat comes from the illegal trade and secret egg collection.

Green sea turtle

It is an endangered subspecies, whether through capture, collision with boats, or other acts of violence. This turtle is an animal sought after by humans, and therefore its very existence is threatened.

It lives in Mediterranean, tropical and subtropical waters. It owes its name to the color of its shell, which comes from its algae diet.

Leatherback turtle

It lives in the Pacific and although there are between 20 and 30 thousand female specimens, it is critically endangered.

Scientists estimate that it could go away in the next 30 years. The main causes are accidental trapping by trawls and egg collection. In addition, many die from swallowing plastics and destroying their habitats.

Loggerhead sea turtle

The danger of this subspecies becoming extinct is increasing. The main cause is the increasing use of the coasts and the associated loss of nesting sites and accidental fishing.

The most important region of this turtle species is the eastern Mediterranean. The reproduction is endangered by the tourist expansion in the area of ​​their resting places.

The fishing systems with trawls and fences used by the fishing companies also endanger the loggerhead sea turtle.

Olive ridged turtle

This subspecies of the endangered turtle owes its name to the color of its shell.

This species of turtle is also threatened by fishing systems, the collection of eggs and the killing of adult specimens.

Rescue endangered turtles.

How can you protect them?

As almost always  , we humans pose the greatest threat to turtles. 

To protect them from extinction, the following measures are necessary:

  • Control the fishing systems.
  • Protect their nesting sites and their habitats.
  • Prevent the oil pollution
  • Control trade and illegal hunting.

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