Healthy Cat Nutrition: Tips And Useful Information

A healthy cat diet is very important to keep your cat comfortable and healthy.
Healthy cat nutrition: tips and trivia

A healthy cat diet is very important to keep your cat comfortable and healthy. The cat has always been a carnivorous animal. When it lives in the “wild” it feeds mainly on hunting rodents and small birds. That is, from raw meat.

Domestic cats usually do not eat raw meat. This is why it is important to meet your nutritional needs to keep your body healthy and balanced. It is necessary for the cat to get all of the proteins and animal fats it needs.

Why do cats need so much animal protein?

The benefits of animal protein include:

  • Aids in the growth of tendons, bones, ligaments, skin, and claws.
  • It is important for metabolism and the immune system.
  • It also enables the build-up of optimal muscle mass.

    For a healthy cat diet , it is very important to provide adequate amounts and quality of protein. The cat will lose muscle mass if the protein is poor or if it does not eat enough of it.

    Six practical tips for healthy cat nutrition

    1. Meat based diet

    Meat is the basis of any healthy cat diet.

    An adult cat needs at least 25% protein of all food. This proportion should be 30% in pregnant cats and babies. The natural diet is also based on a high percentage of animal fat, as this is the main source of energy for cats.

    Proteins for healthy cat nutrition

    It pays to invest in high quality food. These contain balanced nutrients with a lot of protein and animal fat and few carbohydrates.

    To ensure these proportions, you need to check the nutrition facts chart on products when buying them in stores and supermarkets . This decision will affect the cat’s health and welfare in the long run.

    2. Feed your velvet paw dry and moist foods

    It is recommended that most cats be fed dry food. Due to the dry food, the cat has to chew, removing the plaque from the teeth.

    This food comes in different compositions according to the age and activity of the cat. And best of all, you don’t have to cook.

    Wet food for healthy cat nutrition

    In addition to dry food, it is advisable to include canned wet food in your diet.

    This food is much more attractive to cats because of its smell. It’s also recommended because it’s 70% water, which allows for optimal hydration.

    This is very useful because cats typically drink less water than they need.

    3. Always provide water

    Having a sufficient amount of vital fluids helps the kidneys work well. It also allows you to regulate your body temperature well. To ensure both, your velvet paw should always find a water bowl with clean, cold water.

    The lack of water can cause serious health problems for the cat, such as: B. Kidney damage and the formation of crystals in the urine. In addition, the animal can dry out.

    4. Do not feed them with leftover food

    As you have seen, cats and humans have very different nutritional needs. Improper nutrition can lead to intestinal obstruction, vomiting or diarrhea.

    In addition, the animal can be overweight, a very common problem in domestic cats.

    5. Give small portions

    Usually a cat does not eat everything that is available to it. If the cat isn’t fat and doesn’t eat all of the food at once, you can leave it in its bowl in case it gets hungry later.

    Another option is to feed them at certain times to control their weight. A cat’s correct weight is shown by its ribs. These should be covered with a layer of fat, but at the same time be palpable.

    6. Control the formation of hairballs in the abdomen

    The cat usually cleans itself by licking its entire body. As a result , she usually swallows the hair that remains on her tongue. In this way, hairballs form in the stomach, which are eliminated by vomiting or feces.

    However, very large hairballs can block your intestinal tract. However, the cat owner can help get rid of these hairballs.

    High fiber feed, daily brushing, and a haircut with a professional hairdresser will prevent hairballs from forming.

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