Vali’s Long Journey

If you want to learn more about the story of Vali, just read on. Even if the beginning is sad, we can guarantee you a happy ending. 
Vali's long journey

When we talk about a trip, we immediately think of vacation, heavenly beaches and relaxation. But Vali’s  long journey  has nothing to do with it, on the contrary. Nobody would want the arduous,  long journey  this dog had to make.

If you want to learn more about the story of Vali, just read on. Even if the beginning is sad, we can guarantee you a happy ending. 

Vali’s long journey – a very special dog

Valis lange Reise bis ins Tierheim
Source: Facebook “Refugio de Animales de Cambados”

This story took place in Spain, specifically in Campados in the province of Pontevedra. A city dweller found a starved dog of the Pointer breed. He was lying exhausted in an open courtyard and was in a sorry state.

Vali was completely malnourished, weighed less than 10 kg despite his size and was close to death. When the man found the animal, he took it to an animal welfare association and a veterinarian who believed there was nothing more they could do for the dog.

But Vali was a fighter and had a great zest for life! In just 5 days he was able to get up on his own and keep himself on his feet with sufficient food and the care of the animal rights activists. Shortly afterwards he was ready for his first walk!
After a thorough veterinary examination,  the experts concluded that he had not received any food for weeks. He was chained for a long time, but the person responsible could not be found.
One week after the care at the shelter, Vali had already gained 1.5 kg and the condition of his fur and skin had also improved a lot. He was very hungry and had a lot of catching up to do, as if he wanted to make up for all the lost time. Perhaps  the dog was also afraid of another emergency without food. 

Vali became known on the Internet

This story of the brave dog was published by the veterinarians of the animal welfare association in social networks. As a result, many messages quickly came from people who were ready to give the four-legged friend a new family and a loving home.

But  the condition of the brave dog was still weak, he still needed time to recover from all the hardships. The future adoptive family therefore had to wait a while.

In addition, the interested parties had to take an aptitude test, because Vali needed a family who could really love and care for him. Such a happy end to his long journey.

Other dogs that were also very lucky in misfortune

It’s always sad to talk about abandoned or abused animals, but Vali and many other dogs give us hope. Many dogs can be saved from their dire fate and find a new, loving family that will take care of them. Their courage to live and their strength, their love and loyalty are a wonderful example for us.

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Source: Facebook of Refugio de Animales de Cambados

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