Dog Grooming – Important And Practical Tips

Grooming in dogs is not just about beauty and cleanliness, it is also extremely important to health. Here you can find out everything you need to know about this topic!
Grooming Your Dogs - Important And Practical Tips

Every owner knows that a visit to the dog groomer is not pleasant for their pet. Dogs usually don’t like it when they hold still and have to be touched by a stranger. Nevertheless, this treatment is necessary. And not just for aesthetic reasons, since grooming dogs is also important for their health.

Typically, our pets live with us in different areas, including the bedroom, and sometimes they share the sofa with us. It is therefore important that they are clean and that they do not bring dirt into the house.

The fur has several important functions

The grooming of dogs , however, is not just about beauty and cleanliness. The coat is a very important component in a dog’s life.

Thanks to the fur, dogs are protected from environmental influences such as extreme temperatures or moisture. This cover of keratinized layers forms a barrier, comparable to an air chamber. This maintains body heat when it is cold and creates a small circulation for ventilation when it is hot.

At the same time, it also protects the fur from the sun and thus avoids irritation and burns on the skin. In addition , the dog’s fur also protects the skin from possible injuries that your pet could get while playing or walking.

The shine and quality of the dog’s coat are an indication of your dog’s health. These aspects vary according to race, gender and age. Below are a number of factors to consider when it comes to grooming your dog.

Fellpflege bei Hunden
The fur of mammals is the first protective barrier they have against pathogens and environmental influences.

Tips for grooming dogs


For a healthy, strong and shiny coat, the skin must also be healthy. And in order for your dog to have healthy skin, you need to pay special attention to their diet.

The diet should be balanced and contain the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. When it comes to fats, you need to pay particular attention to omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Your dog also needs antioxidants. These substances coat the hair and provide the necessary protection and shine.

In the past, dog owners supplemented their food with homemade food supplements such as eggs, fish oil or butter. Nowadays you can find different types of food on the market that already contain all of these ingredients for healthy skin. And in a really balanced form that is tailored to your dog’s needs.

Grooming in dogs: bathing

Bathing is a fundamental part of dog hygiene. This activity keeps allergens, parasites and bacteria away from your beloved four-legged friend and the environment .

Bathing is highly recommended in order to keep a clean and healthy coat. However, you shouldn’t overdo it with the number of baths you take each month, as each time you change the pH of the dog’s skin.

Depending on the dog’s activity and coat, it is advisable to bathe him every 3 weeks or once a month.

It is important to choose the right shampoo. There are different shampoos depending on the skin and coat type. Your vet will be happy to advise you which one is best for your dog. The best shampoo is the one that can nourish, regenerate and strengthen the hair and skin.

In addition, it is highly recommended to massage with the shampoo while bathing. In doing so, you activate the sebum glands of the skin and the dog will enjoy it. Try it!

When drying the fur, make sure that you dry it in the direction of the hair growth. Drying off is important as the animal may feel uncomfortable if the fur is wet for a long period of time.

Dry off dog

to brush

Regularly brushing your dog’s fur removes dead hair, dirt, and flakes of skin.

At the same time, this activity prevents the occurrence of skin-irritating elements that unbalance the bacterial flora and facilitate subsequent infestation with pathogens.

This will help prevent external parasites such as pesky fleas and ticks from appearing. To prevent these parasites, you can also use products recommended by your vet.

There are different types of brushes or grooming gloves, depending on the dog’s skin and coat type. Regular brushing 1 to 2 times a week is recommended, whereby it always depends on the fur of the four-legged friend.

Types of fur in dogs

The coat is different for each breed of dog and so is the care.

The most important types of coat in dogs and the recommended coat care for each:

  • Short hair: brush 1 to 2 times a week and bathe once a month or every month and a half.
  • Long hair: Brush daily and bathe once a month.
  • Coarse hair: Brush daily and bathe 3 to 4 times a month.
  • Frizzy hair: Brush daily and bathe about every 20 days.

In addition, in breeds with long and frizzy hair, a more thorough brushing helps to remove tangles, which are very annoying to the animal.

If you follow these tips, your dog’s coat will look healthy and beautiful. And in the long run, he’s sure to like it.

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