Animals And Plants That Never Die

These species live for thousands of years and only die when external influences kill them.
Animals and plants that never die

The desire to live forever does not spring from our imagination, nor did we invent it. Nature has shown us that there are animals and plants that never die and we really only want to imitate them.

Today we would like to tell you a little bit about them. Perhaps you will find out something that could help us humans.

Are there really animals and plants that never die?

There are certain myths and legends about eternal youth and endless life. Where did man get these ideas from? He was undoubtedly inspired by nature. Immortal animals and plants have been discovered (biologically speaking).

By biologically speaking we mean that even an “immortal” plant or animal can of course lose its life to a predator, accident, or saw (in the case of trees).

It is truly amazing, however, that these species never age or die.

Durable pine

This type of tree that graces our cover picture is in North America and is believed to be 5,000 years old.

Even if the ruthlessness of the times has left its marks that can be clearly perceived, they are still deeply rooted in the earth and wait indifferently for what is to come.

Their cells were analyzed in studies and it was found that these trees have not aged, but are still in the same state of health as they were 5,000 years ago.

It is believed that they store stem cells in their roots, which they use to grow new cells. So it happens that your cell tissue remains intact.

Sea anemones

Sea anemones are marine animals that survive by spraying poison on their victims. These are mostly small fish and shellfish that they then feed on.

Studies found that the only sign of aging in these living things is their size.

sea ​​anemone

They grow over time, but no case has yet been found in which one has died. You know that any part of your body that you lose just grows back. So they can constantly regenerate.

But this immortality is biological, as mentioned earlier. If they become the victim of a predator, then they too will end up as food.

It is believed that this animal holds the secret of immortality and has a lot in common with humans. Millions of dollars are being conducted to find something that will guarantee human immortality.

Our body also regenerates in a certain way. Just think of our hair, our fingernails, or our cells.

Giant sequoia

These are the largest trees in the world that have existed for millennia. There are cases in which many of them died, but that was always due to external influences, such as fires.

Giant sequoia

These trees grow to dizzying heights from a tiny seed. It is believed that many of them have been on earth for 5,000 years and are still growing! Perhaps they are guarding the secret of our immortality?


You might find it strange to see the jellyfish on our list of animals and plants that never die. You’ve probably seen dead jellyfish on the beach while on vacation.

Not all jellyfish are immortal, but there are some species that scientific analysis has shown to be biologically immortal. 

Poisonous jellyfish

They can reduce their own development, which is why they keep getting young. Isn’t that interesting, isn’t it?

The more we find out about nature and the creatures that inhabit it, the more we realize that we don’t really know it. Who knows if one day we will be able to live forever thanks to nature? We’ll have to wait and see …

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