Does Aloe Vera Have Any Benefits For Pets?

This plant is very beneficial not only to humans. It is also characterized by many properties that have a positive effect on animals. For example, it contains many important vitamins. 
Does aloe vera have any benefits for pets?

Aloe vera  is a wonderful plant that has been used for a long time, especially for skin ailments. Many products are made with it, but today the question arises as to whether  aloe vera  also has benefits and should be used for pets.

Read on to find out more about this topic!

What positive properties does aloe vera have?

It is amazing how many nutrients are concentrated in this medicinal plant with a tradition that goes back thousands of years. Its advantages have been confirmed many times,  because this plant not only provides important vitamins, but also amino acids, minerals, tannins, carbohydrates and other very beneficial active ingredients.

The use of aloe vera is recommended for the following reasons:

  • It improves the energy balance,
  • has a digestive and detoxifying effect,
  • improves the absorption of nutrients and medicines,
  • moisturizes,
  • relieves itching,
  • has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects,
  • improves wound healing,
  • renews damaged cells,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • has an antibiotic effect,
  • antifungal and
  • antiviral.

Aloe vera

These are just a few of the well-known benefits of this herb. But  can our pets also benefit from it?

Benefits of aloe vera for pets

The answer is yes. Aloe vera also has various advantages for pets, which we list below:

  • Allergies. Aloe vera is perfect for skin allergies in an animal,  as it can relieve rashes, inflammation or other ailments. These can be triggered by a contact allergy or also by a food allergy, which leads to external complaints.
  • Hair loss. In autumn and spring, for example, dogs change their coat,  which is quite normal. But hair loss can also be triggered by illnesses or infections. In this case, aloe vera is a perfect natural remedy  to stop hair loss. Even if there are completely bald spots, this plant can help stimulate hair growth again.
  • Wounds. The gel of this plant  is perfect for promoting wound healing. This protects the wound at the same time and prevents infections.
  • Organ damage. Aloe vera also has various benefits internally. The juice of this plant can improve organ function and detoxify the body at the same time.
  • Hormones. Also,  animals suffering from hormonally induced ailments and imbalances. Minerals such as zinc or magnesium, as well as other active ingredients that can be found in aloe vera, can be of great benefit to the organism in this case and restore the  unbalanced hormonal balance. 

Dog between aloe vera

These are just a few of the many benefits that aloe vera has for animals too. This plant is also used on tumors to slow the spread of tumors 

Mostly, however, aloe vera is used externally for skin complaints. Before giving aloe juice to your pet, be sure to discuss this with the veterinarian to avoid any risk.

It’s very simple: mix aloe juice with a little oil, which acts as an emulsifier. If you want, you can add some gelatine to make the consistency more solid. You can use it to relieve your pet’s skin complaints!

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