Dog Toilet: How Can You Get Your Dog Used To It?

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to teach your dog how to use a dog toilet? In fact, this can be achieved. However, you should use a special litter and put the dog toilet in a suitable location. In addition, of course, you have to train your pet to use them when necessary!
Dog toilet: how can you get your dog used to it?

While many dog ​​owners really love their pets, they wonder if their dog couldn’t find relief in a dog toilet, as cats naturally do. If you have long working days and don’t find enough time to walk your pet several times during the day, this would be a very practical solution. But is that really possible?

Can a dog do its business in a dog toilet?

In principle, dogs are much easier to train or bring up than cats. Therefore, they are also able to learn almost anything you want to teach them. But does this also apply to the use of a dog toilet ? Yes, that is possible! And it could be your new project with your pet. But how exactly do you go about doing this?

Buy a suitable dog toilet

First of all, you should buy a dog toilet that is the right size for your dog. It should be made of a durable material.

When buying, you should make sure that the dog toilet should not be too high. As you probably know, dogs have a habit of scratching the floor after their business is done.

If you choose a dog toilet that is too deep and add too much litter, your dog will definitely wreak havoc. Therefore, you should buy them in the right size so that your four-legged friend has more freedom of movement and does not injure himself when he stretches his legs backwards.

Buy the appropriate litter for the dog toilet

The litter for dogs is different from that for cats. Dog litter is coarser-grained and can absorb more fluids. You can choose from different shapes and materials.

Dog toilet - diagram

Also, you shouldn’t use cat litter because it can give off odors that could bother your dog. A tip to avoid bad smells: just sprinkle some baking soda on the floor every time you fill the dog toilet. You will see that this works great!

Find a suitable place

The dog toilet should be in a location that is easily accessible to the dog. At the same time, the location should not be easily visible. Believe it or not, dogs are shy and do not like being watched while they are doing their business.

In addition, it goes without saying that the dog toilet should not be near the food and water bowl! Otherwise, your dog will not use this place, because dogs also make a strict distinction between eating and going to the toilet.

Teach your dog a command for the dog toilet

In order for your dog to learn to use their dog litter box, you need to teach them a command. Put him in the box and choose a short command that tells him what to do. For example “dog toilet” or “box”.

Leave it there for a few seconds, then take it out and put it back in, and so on.

You can then teach him to go into the dog toilet on his own and to come out again when you tell him to. Show him that this is not an unsafe place and that this is part of his property and home.

Do not punish your dog if he cannot use the dog toilet right away

It is perfectly normal for your dog not to understand the command and change immediately. He may continue to relieve himself outside. Don’t scold him, stay patient and always talk to him lovingly and calmly.

Dog toilet - dog in front of carpet with urine stain

If your dog urinates outside the dog toilet, take the opportunity to soak up the urine with newspaper. Then put the paper in the box. The smell may encourage your dog to do so in their toilet the next time they want to relieve themselves.

Watch your dog

Since your dog will likely have regular meal times, they will most likely want to relieve themselves at the same time. As soon as you realize he has this need, order him to use the dog toilet. Or pick him up and take him there.

That way, he’ll understand the point and purpose of the dog toilet. Dogs have good associative memories. Therefore, they can learn to use such a box.

Use positive reinforcement

Every time your dog uses his new toilet, you should give him a small reward as this will help him learn. Plus, there’s nothing like a reward to keep your pet motivated.

As you can see, it is possible for a dog to relieve himself in a dog toilet. In addition, it’s not difficult at all, as you simply have to teach him a certain command. If you have patience with him and train him with love and positive reinforcement, he will soon be able to do this.

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