Why Does Your Dog Howl When You Go Out Of The House?

My dog ​​howls every time I have to go outside. What can I do? We’ll give you some explanations and tips so that the coexistence between humans and animals works better.
Why does your dog howl when you go out of the house?

A life full of tasks and the fast pace of life in the city require that we spend a lot of time away from home. We have very little time to devote to our fur noses. Because of this, the dog sometimes gets sad and howls. But what is really behind this behavior? Why howls your dog , if you leave the house?

Our loyal companions are extremely social, so they don’t tolerate loneliness very well. Aside from howling , dogs can also develop aggressive behaviors. This can quickly lead to damage in the house. So it is really important that we understand their behavior and help them cope with being alone.

How does loneliness affect our dogs?

The dog howls because he doesn't like to be alone.

Usually we humans (and our pets too) enjoy little moments of solitude. Of course, it should never be too long. Most people don’t always like to be alone,  and the same goes for our dogs.

Nowadays we often don’t have the time to spend some free time with our furry friends. In the long run, this has negative consequences. It is not only about physical, but also about psychological aspects of the dog’s well-being. If your dog is crying because you are walking, it may be because  he can no longer stand the constant loneliness at home.

The dog – confronted with “dead hours” at home –  begins to display inappropriate behavior. He does this to attract the attention of his master or mistress. The fur nose expresses its feelings through aggressiveness, destructive behavior, repeated movements, howling, barking and yowling.

You have to distinguish between the fear of loneliness and the fear of separation. Separation anxiety occurs when the dog’s favorite person distances themselves. This is why the dog feels stressed, even when other people are with him.

Reasons your dog howls when you walk

Just like their ancestors, the wolves, dogs are social animals that  usually live in packs. Even at home, dogs cannot shed this instinct. So it happens that they adopt us as their  social circle  and form a pack with us.

The dog howls when you go because he has to stay all alone. By nature it makes it sad. In extreme cases, it can  even lead to the separation anxiety mentioned above. 

Possible trauma from the past  can also trigger erratic behavior. Abandoned puppies often suffer terribly before they are adopted. That’s why they’re afraid of being left alone again. This leads to nervousness and anxiety when the caregiver moves away.

There is another explanation for why your dog howls when you go out of the house. This is a bad habit that was taught to the animal by its master or mistress. It is important to educate our fur-noses properly so that they can spend a while on their own. This avoids excessive addiction and allows us to have a healthy relationship with the dog.

Separation anxiety

Fear is the reason for the above behaviors.  Our dog feels threatened and in danger. Hence, his alert is activated and that brings with it the destruction of objects, howling and despair.

This uncontrollable state of fear of our fur nose is normal for animals that actually live in herds or packs. At least 15% of the canine population suffers from it. Failure to pay enough attention to the dog’s behavior can lead to sadness, unhappiness, stress, and anxiety.

Tips to stop your dog from crying

It’s really important that your four-legged friend learn to be alone for a while. If your dog howls when you say goodbye, then you should educate him. So he will no longer suffer from stress and will occupy himself in your absence.  First of all, you should get some toys. These can be chewing bones or toys that promote intelligence.

Come back soon!

A comfortable, warm and calm environment will help the dog feel safe. A fluffy dog ​​bed, perhaps shaped like a cave, gives the dog a refuge. This will further stabilize his well-being. Sometimes it is also advisable to leave the radio on  so that the dog does not suffer from the absolute silence.

You can also take your dog for a walk before saying goodbye. The movement makes him tired and just sleeps in your absence. If you leave the house for a long time, feed him right after the walk. In this way you can avoid a stomach twist and relieve your pet’s nervousness.

Another great option is to adopt another dog so they can be together. But of course both your wishes and your personal possibilities are decisive for this. One should not break this decision at the knee,  but consider all the factors that further adoption entails.  It takes time for the dogs to get to know and respect each other. This is the only way to make the adoption a complete success.

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