This Is How Your Dog Expresses His Affection

Your dog doesn’t need human words to express his love for you. It is enough if you pay attention to his body language.
This is how your dog expresses affection

It doesn’t matter that he can’t speak. Your dog doesn’t need any words to express his feelings. Would you like to learn how dogs show their affection ?

In our article on the signs of affection in dogs, we explain more about this topic. With this you can be sure whether your dog really loves you.

This is how your dog expresses affection

It is possible that your dog loves you a lot better than you think. This is not only because you give him shelter and feed him, but because you are the most important thing in his life.

However, many people have doubts about their pets’ affection.

Our fur noses show us their feelings every day without having to resort to words. To understand them, it is essential to be able to speak the language of dogs. Therefore we would like to analyze some behavior.

1. Enthusiastic greeting

If your dog greets you with tail wagging, joyful dancing and possibly barking every time you return , then that is an unmistakable sign of his affection.

2. Sleep by your side

This is not just due to the fact that the mattress is more comfortable for humans than it is for dogs. Your furry friend just loves to spend every possible moment near you.

Even if you don’t allow him to get on the bed. It is an unmistakable sign of his love that he sleeps as close to you as possible, even if he has to hug the legs of the bedside table to do so.

Sleep by the side of a dog

3. Unconditional society

You go to the bathroom and he follows you. Then you lie down on the sofa and he makes himself comfortable on your feet. If you lie sick in bed, he doesn’t hesitate long and stays by your side. If grief strikes you, it also gives you comfort.

Wherever you go, it will seem like your dog is chasing you like a shadow. Sometimes it can get on the clock to be followed all the time. However, your dog is showing you that he loves you.

4. Attention

Not only will they follow you everywhere, but they’ll show you their affection by watching you carefully as you do everything you do. For a dog, its caretaker is its leader, its reference and its pack leader.

So they are paying attention because they want to learn from you.

5. Tail wagging

A dog’s tail expresses a great deal about its mood. Notice how he not only wags his tail when you come home, but also when you step out of the bathroom or your room after a shower.

6. Licks and hugs

Instead of kissing, dogs lick each other to show their affection and protection. The mother licks the puppies to clean them, but also to help them recognize themselves if their eyes are still closed.

Dog-like licking

Your dog licks you, to thank you for everything you do for him, and to tell you, how much he really likes you. If you then kneel to his height, he will surely stand on his hind paws to hug you.

7. Steal items of clothing

You may think this is shoddy behavior or a prank. However, your dog wants to show you his affection.

If he steals your socks, underwear and the occasional blouse or skirt and then quietly takes them with him in his basket, that’s a treasure for him. It smells like you and then he feels so safe and secure.

8. Game and more game

No matter how old it is or what time of day it is, every time your pet sees you arrive, it will bring you a stick or ball and ask you to play.

This is the best sign that your dog loves you really badly.

Once your dog exhibits these behaviors, there is no longer any need to doubt. You are more important to him than you think. He thereby shows you his affection and his unconditional love.

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