Dolphins >> Almost Human Behavior?

Dolphins are beautiful and intelligent animals that we admire very much. Various studies have discovered amazing things about the behavior of these elegant marine animals. Read on to find out more! 
Dolphins >> almost human behavior?

Dolphins are beautiful and intelligent animals that we admire very much. Various studies have discovered amazing things about the behavior of these elegant marine animals. Read on to find out more! 

The strange behavior of the dolphins

The studies done on dolphins, whales, and porpoises have shown that they behave almost human. It seems that this is related to the size of their brains.

To come to this conclusion, information was gathered from around 90 different species of dolphins, whales and porpoises. Are you curious?

These are the behaviors of the dolphins that are very similar to those of humans:

They support each other in order to benefit together

Dolphins always live in a group. They are very social animals that support each other in order to benefit from them. They work together and everyone benefits, whether it is for food or other vital tasks.

They pass information on to the next generation

The elders of the group teach the new family members hunting techniques. You show them how to use different tools they can find in the water.

They hunt in a group

Dolphins act according to the motto “together we are strong”. They always hunt in a group to be successful. Then they share the booty, even if the individual group members are not full, there is no quarrel. You will go looking for food again.

Dolphins hunt in a group

They talk to each other

We know dolphins make sounds that they use to communicate. You can use it to communicate with each other , but there are regional differences! 

Exclusive whistling

In addition to the general language of the dolphins , each specimen has a characteristic whistle that distinguishes each animal from all others. That is her very personal touch!

Maternal instinct

Most of the time, when dolphins find cubs, they take care of them, even if they aren’t their own. This can only be observed in a few species.

They work with other species

They enjoy relationships with other species and even work with them in search of food or other chores. They also enjoy participating in other activities. Dolphins love to make new friends!

To play

Regardless of age, they like to play with the little ones or with each other. Dolphins have an active leisure program! Talking together makes them happy.

Dolphins play with each other

All of these behaviors are very similar to ours. And as mentioned earlier, this has a lot to do with your brain, which is exceptionally large.

This proved that whales and dolphins are extremely intelligent.  Their intelligence is closest to that of humans and primates. One of the study’s employees came to the following conclusion:

It is obvious that they are limited due to their body shape and therefore cannot easily develop further. In addition, we cannot estimate how far their intelligence could actually reach. But we know that it is a unique species in the world.

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