How Does A Puppy Learn To Stay Home Alone?

In order for a dog not to suffer when he has to stay home alone, he should be independent, have enough exercise and good food so that he can relax and sleep. Toys are also important for his entertainment. 
How does a puppy learn to stay home alone?

Have you adopted a puppy and taken a few days off to help him get used to his new home? But now you have to go back to work and your little pooch has  to stay home alone .

What can you do to make it easier for him? Read this article to learn more about the subject. We have a few helpful tips for you. 

How does a puppy learn to stay home alone?

You may be afraid that your new boyfriend will feel lonely and destroy your furniture, or that he will just do his little business somewhere in the house. Maybe the poor animal is howling or barking all the time until you come back. It could also get sad or depressed.

But what to do when duty calls? After all, you can’t stay home all day  entertaining your puppy dog. These tips can be very beneficial for leaving your furry friend  at home alone  :

1. Educate him to be independent

It is true that dogs are very dependent on their owners, very different from, for example, cats. But teaching them to be home alone for a few hours is essential  .

When you close the door behind you and you hear your dog barking or howling, you know  he can’t stand the loneliness. He depends on you to feel safe.

You should also give your pooch space when you are at home so that  he can talk independently. 

Don’t hold it in your arms all the time and don’t let your little friend continuously distract you in your work. He needs your attention, but must also be able to be independent.

Puppy home alone

2. Don’t scare your dog or scold him all the time

When you get home and find chaos, the first thing you may want to do is scold your dog. But this is not recommended,  because the fur nose will not understand what it is actually about. 

The only way to be obedient and to prevent situations like this from happening again is to catch the dog in the act. Right now you have to teach him that this is not possible.

Otherwise, he will at most misbehave to get your attention, and if you scold him all the time, he will even fear your presence.

3. Feed and walk before your dog stays home alone

Before leaving your puppy home alone, you should take them for a walk. He can reduce energy and do his little business. You can also play with him briefly so that he feels like sleeping afterwards.

As far as food is concerned, a full stomach also promotes sleep, as we know from our own experience. After walking and eating, your dog will have a few hours of siesta. He won’t miss you at all.

Puppy home alone

4. Give the puppy toys

Your pooch won’t sleep all day, of course. And when he’s bored, maybe he starts exploring and destroying things. Therefore, it is best to give him stimulating toys for entertainment.

5. No drama when you go

No matter how difficult it is for you to leave your little ball of fur alone at home and  say goodbye to him, you shouldn’t make a drama out of it! 

Your dog shouldn’t see anything bad or even a danger or threat in it. He would then be restless and nervous and excited all day long.

If you leave your dog at home alone and you want him to act right during this time,  you should put yourself in his shoes to find out what he needs. A comfortable bed, toy, water, and food often make a big difference! Gradually, your little friend will get used to your absence.

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