Tips To Prevent Dogs From Peeing In The House

Especially with dogs that are still young, it often happens that they pee in the house. We want to help you so that your dog learns not to defecate in your house.
Tips to keep dogs from peeing in the house

Also or precisely because our dog is part of the family, we expect him to behave well and adhere to certain rules. Of course, he is not allowed to pee in the house as this is unsanitary.

Today we give you various tips on how you can prevent your dog from fulfilling its needs in the house.

Can you prevent dogs from peeing in the house?

First and foremost, it is important to understand why our animal is doing its business where it shouldn’t.  Puppies have not yet learned to control their urge to urinate, but adult dogs can have a number of reasons why they pee in the house

Tension, fear or the desire to mark the territory are just a few examples.

Punish dogs for peeing

It should be understood that good and early upbringing is preferable to punishment. There is no point in preaching a sermon to the dog because he will not understand that it was a new carpet or that the floor was just mopped.

A clear and decisive “no” is enough to make it clear to your four-legged friend that he has done something wrong.

If your dog is still a puppy, you should ignore him for a few minutes after scolding him. That way, he will understand that he has behaved very badly and that you are angry with him.

If, on the other hand, he stops peeing in the house and listens to your commands, we recommend that you reward him with a toy, a treat or a few pats.

If you do not have your own outdoor area and your dog is at home alone for many hours, you should provide him with a specific area where he can relieve himself.

Just like for cats, there are also boxes for dogs that serve as toilets. For example, some of them are laid out with artificial turf.

If you are invited to another house with your four-legged friend, or in the first days of training, it is very important to keep an eye on the dog at all times.

If you notice he’s been sniffing the same spot for a long time or is about to pee (if he’s already lifting his leg or crouching), scold him before he can do his business.

Advice to keep dogs from peeing in the house

Patience is a key factor. You may not have a lot of time to spend with your dog, but it is very important to give your dog a lot of attention, at least for the first time .

Each animal will find its own rhythm and you should not force or punish the animal if it does not understand the lesson immediately.

Dogs don’t pee in the house for a reason or out of defiance. They just see a certain place as appropriate at that moment.

Of course, they want to keep their personal space clean (so it is very rare for them to pee in their own crib) and always look for somewhere outside of that space.

Here are a few tips on how to teach your dog not to pee in the house:

1. Use a transport box

Lock your four-legged friend up while you teach them to wait before they can go out to defecate. You can use a cage or pet carrier to prevent your dog from peeing as soon as the door opens (not recommended if you live in the big city).

This crate should be big enough for your dog to lie down and turn around in it without any problems. If you don’t like this method, you can also use a short leash and keep the dog close to you so that he has no way of lifting his leg or crouching and peeing.

Dogs pee in bed

2. The 15 minute rule

Did you know that puppies typically need to defecate within 15 minutes of eating, drinking, waking up, playing, or running?

After these activities, we advise you to watch your little dog very closely and not take your eyes off him to prevent him from peeing anywhere in the house. At best, you go for a walk with your four-legged friend during this period.

3. Set up a dog toilet

If you’ve been out all day, you can’t expect your dog to hold back his urge to urinate for so long.

Therefore, you should provide your dog with a specific area where he can do his business. You are probably wondering how you can teach your dog to use this area for this?

Very easily! Put a few drops of your dog’s urine in this area for him to consider his territory. After all your dog’s activities, bring to this place so that he understands that he is allowed to empty himself here.

What do you think of these tips to keep your dog from peeing in the house? Which of them will you try for yourself?

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