2 Pit Bulls Fight For Survival For 16 Hours

Once again it becomes clear what a great instinct for survival dogs have and that they can also feel feelings such as sadness and fear, just like us humans. 
2 pit bulls fight for survival for 16 hours

Natural disasters cause a great deal of suffering to both humans and animals. There are many stories of incredible rescues in which dogs often star as lifesavers. In today’s article, however, two pit bulls struggle to survive  for 16 hours,  waiting in the water to be rescued.

Read on to learn more about these and other bailouts.

Two Pittbulls are rescued in Louisiana while fighting for survival

Pittbulls werden in Louisiana beim Kampf ums Überleben gerettet 
Source: www.viraldiario.com

When large parts of the state of Louisiana (USA) were flooded two years ago, 60,000 houses were destroyed, countless people had to be rescued, 11 people lost their lives and 100,000 people applied for emergency aid.

In their search for signs of life, the two rescue men Darrell Watson and Mike Anderson were not only  able to save people by risking their own lives, they also saved pets and wild animals from certain death. 

These two rescue men became aware of a house where two pit bulls were trying to survive in the water. The water was over 1 meter high, but the animals tried everything possible to avoid drowning.

It is estimated that the dogs have been “swimming” between branches, remains of houses and other objects in the water for over 16 hours. When the rescue men inspected the area between two houses, they saw that the dogs were trying to escape from various objects on a kind of floating island.

Fortunately, the heroes Watson and Anderson were able to save both dogs and bring them to their owners. While getting the animals to safety, they confirmed that they would adopt them if they could not find their families.

Another rescue operation in Louisiana

The capital of the state of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, was particularly hard hit by the floods. In some places the water was over two meters high! Josh Petit is another hero who shares his story while looking at this section:

“I happened to see a moving tree. Suddenly I could see two eyes and a black dog’s mouth, that was all that was looking out of the water. The dog could hardly move, he was completely exhausted. His eyes reflected sadness and fear … Fortunately, we were able to save him. No sooner was he safe in the boat than he laid his head on my lap and howled like a baby. That was his thank you. Then we rescued a vet with his animals and got them all dry. “

Black dog is rescued with his mistress in Louisiana

Schwarzer Hund kämpft ums Überleben
Source: www.viraldiario.com

Another rescue operation in Baton Rouge: The situation was very dramatic, but ended with a happy ending. Two rescue men on a boat were able to rescue a woman and her dog who were  stuck in a car filled with water.

The rescue workers could hear the drowning woman screaming. One of them, David Phung, jumped into the water and was able to get the woman out of the car. She asked him to rescue her dog, which was also in the car and never showed up. The rescue man dived to the car again and was finally able to save the dog.

The happy end of these three events is thanks to the extraordinary performance of the rescue men, who risked their own lives to save people and animals. It also becomes clear once again what a great instinct for survival dogs have and that they can also feel feelings such as sadness and fear,  just like us humans.

Image source: www.viraldiario.com

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